Dismantle Corruption

Methods & Process Structure to Identify and Eliminate Sustained Administrative Corruption

Corruption organizes to abuse organization resources

Most often, corruption gets started when a manager recruits an informal mafia to entrench themselves into a position.  They know they do not have the skills to retain their position, and they have no intent to train themselves in the related needed areas. Their interest relates to the feedback they get from manipulating the system and the rewards they cultivate for themselves, not from the success in supporting the company mission. So they use collusion to reward loyalty instead of competence.

These administrative mafia leaders focus their energies on political pandering, more than broadly growing support for the mission of the organization.

They will focus on one small area to create perceived worth for themselves, to advance into higher levels of management. Spreading their strangle hold over company assets.

Corruption in organizations is the unethical and/or illegal allocation of resources and/or opportunities.

This most often is allowed, because upper-level management has been manipulated into thinking that the difficulties the company is having is being managed by the person who is actually causing the company problems with internal corruption.  Mafia leadership takes credit for subordinate works and tends to cycle through hiring and forcing out competent subordinates to keep a fresh supply of credit pointing to themselves.  Getting rid of the people credit should actually be attributed.  Employees take risks to introduce innovation, but these actions don’t usually work well the first time they are introduced.  Corrupt leadership will use these attempts at innovation as emotional weapons to label innovation as incompetence to better stagnate themselves in administration.

They know they will otherwise be replaced because they are not adequately serving the mission of the organization.  These people are often easily identified through their Arrogance.  They have no intention to teach anyone anything useful.  They play the politics of doing so, but if looked at carefully, they do not share actual respect with anyone.

These sustained acts to reward loyalty instead of competence kills the passion to serve the company mission; throughout the entire organization under them.  Those without Professional Acumen become mindless soldiers oppressing and over-working the competent.  The competent find other opportunities and the incompetent remain. The incompetent are intentionally recruited into management positions because they are easily micro-managed. To unconditionally enforce mafia directives. To abuse the competent.

The company mission suffers.  Often companies with corrupt administration are eventually liquidated because of poor management.  The owners and board of directors are ultimately responsible for the killing of the company because they did not know how to recognize and convert administrative corruption, into a passionate mission serving management.

Professional Acumen is directly related to earning Respect

  • Methods to convert corruption into passionate development
  • Resources to teach employees common sense

Breaking-Up Administrative Mafia

Breaking up an Administrative Mafia can be a difficult and complex task that may require multiple strategies and a sustained effort. Here are some additional suggestions that may be effective in addressing an Administrative Mafia:

Document and report any unethical or illegal behaviors: Keep a record of any unethical or illegal behaviors that you observe or experience. Report them to relevant authorities within the organization or external regulatory bodies as appropriate. This can help to create a paper trail that can be used to build a case against the Administrative Mafia.

Build alliances with other employees: Try to build alliances with other employees who share your concerns about the Administrative Mafia. This can give you a support network that can help to reinforce your efforts to break up the group.

Use external pressure: Consider using external pressure to address the Administrative Mafia. For example, you could report the issue to media outlets or relevant regulatory bodies. This can increase the pressure on the group and make it more difficult for them to operate without scrutiny.

Use legal means: Consider using legal means to address the issue. For example, you could file a lawsuit against the Administrative Mafia for unethical or illegal behaviors. This can help to expose their actions and hold them accountable.

Be patient and persistent: Breaking up an Administrative Mafia can be a long and difficult process. It is important to be patient and persistent in your efforts to address the issue. Don’t give up if your initial efforts don’t succeed – keep working to build a case and bring attention to the issue.

It’s important to note that addressing corruption and unethical behavior can be risky and may have consequences for the employee. It’s essential to prioritize personal safety and to act in a manner that is in line with the company’s policies and procedures.