Administrative Mafia

Corruption tends to form in organizations as leadership lose passion (one at a time) related to supporting the organization purposes (mission, vision, project charter).

The purpose of Board Members is to promote the importance of the organization mission, to include promotion of the mission through control of the organization structure. Rewards and Restrictions are implemented by the Board to shape the structure of the organization so that the mission is better supported regardless of who occupies positions within the organization. Shaping the structure influences passion in supporting the mission.

Board Members that are non-productive or otherwise political should absolutely be extricated from their position; Board Members that are destructive indirectly support corruption.

Lacking expectations  as is supposed to be supported by the structure of the organization (by priority: articles of incorporation, bylaws, operations manual, published policies and procedures, all of which are meant to be mutually consistent).

Leadership with broad knowledge of how the interrelationships of the organization promote the mission, often micro-manage and hire others to do the busy-work of their position.  These hired workers ARE NOT of equal stature as the departing leadership; yet one of them, one section of the division, is promoted into the position that never had a chance to experience the implementation of the broad interrelationships.  This seeds corruption because previous staff relationships of the promoted tend to be favored over the other division staffing.  As the promoted staff flounder they become over-worked and their passion for the mission of the organization suffers.  Their is a delay in mission support because of a substantial lack in forethought.  Every employee should cross-train in all adjacent positions, and all standardized procedures should be documented in a common format (Operations Manual).

Leadership because of their loss of passion for the intents of the organization (mission), start hiring others to do their work for them; creating Yes-Men whose positions are each of limited scope and not at all   Getting paid more to do less by subverting the organization resources away from supporting the mission of the organization.  To create an administrative system that prevents them from losing their position of influence within the organization; this is called Empire Building. Empire Building is corruption.
Corruption is the unethical and/or illegal allocation of resources and/or opportunities.

The leadership of an organization that uses organization resources in support of personal agendas that are in conflict with the organization mission, is corruption. The allocation of employment opportunities to further personal agendas and subverting the mission of the organization is corruption.
Corrupt leadership will begin changing the structure of the organization to subvert the mission, to instead support personal agendas that are not significantly a part of the organization mission.

The “structure” of an organization provides for organization security by enforcing time tested practiced experience in fulfilling organization mission. Part of time-tested practiced-experience is to intentionally “try new things in an effort to remain efficient in utilizing resources in support of the organization mission”.

However, leadership corrupting the structure of an organization to better support their own agenda is treason.  Their goal is to use their influence to support their cohort, instead of the organization mission. Corrupt leadership will deceitfully use “process improvements” to modify the structure of the organization in support of corruption.  This is an intentional weakening of mission security, and those in support of the subversion of the mission structure are part of an administrative mafia (an administrative group that contributes to subverting the mission of the organization).

Treason is the intentional weakening of a groups security (mission supporting structure) in support of corruption.

Therefore, to prevent and to fight corruption, all leadership must be required to develop administrative structures that broadly promote passion in supporting the organization mission.

To promote passion requires an on-going mutual sharing of useful mission-based relationships and perspectives at every level of the organization. Arrogance is the “loathing of others”. Anyone in an organization that is Arrogant must either be retrained to support mission based passion, or must be released from service. Arrogance is the most visible indicator of organization corruption.

Entrenched corruption and structures subverting the mission of the organization must be incrementally reviewed, documented, restructured, and reviewed, documented, restructured…

Any corporate employee engaged in criminal activity, is NOT protected by corporation assets.  The corporation can choose whether or NOT to pay for legal representation for their employee charged in criminal cases.  If the employee is found to be guilty of a crime, and the company supports the employee, further investigation and court orders may find the Company leadership supported related criminal activities.  This roots class action suits and criminal investigations of leadership, and the analysis of the company structure related to supporting crime.  Expense accounts, illicit position allocations, embezzlement, flow of money, illegal political support…

Problem:  During the process of building administrative mafia, personnel are hired that have qualities supporting loyalty to corrupt leadership.  These personnel most often do NOT have training nor skills in the positions they hold.  As part of a mafia, they act as strong arm enforcers the depend upon the mafia to retain their position, because they are otherwise not useful as staffing.  Enforcers are often easily recognized by their loathing of others (Arrogance) because they have no means to earn shared respect from those supporting the organization mission.  As a result, Arrogant administrative mafia will falsify documentation to make themselves “appear” to be productive in supporting the organization mission.

Top Level competent board members and administrators are required to detect corruption, break up administrative mafia, dismiss incompetent personnel with a history of demonstrated unreliability, and restructure the organization to promote mission centered passion.

Sub-pages will provide examples of how Board Members and Senior Leadership can eliminate corruption from their organization, AND restore passion throughout their organization in support of the organization mission.