Interns In Industry

Self-Funding System to Support Public Education

System to Fund Representatives and Eliminate Corruption
Sustainably Supporting New Economic Development
Utilizing Representative support, assemble a team of Stakeholders.  Together outline and provide metrics to write a grant proposal.  A grant will be identified for the seed funding to initiate the Interns In Industry (III) program.  The purchased server and a developed set of system IT tools builds the infrastructure to seed development and implementation of an “Interns in Industry” component that is “scalable” to all schools of higher education; symbiotic to include outreach to all rural and tribal school systems.
Central to development is a largely automated online placement website utilized by ALL Peoples and Representation, but focused upon industry, public servants (Representatives), teachers, students, alumnus, those self-employed, and entrepreneurs. 

Binding STEM with Entrepreneurs to provide the related energy to create STEEM.

The initial phase of development will create constant contact between industries, Representatives, schools, and students throughout the lifecycle of every participant’s career.  Providing students and instructors with a streaming video communications platform to interact in low-cost education, employment exercises, public service events, competitions …  While providing on-going video conferencing between all related stakeholders.  Providing schools with a method of guiding continuing-education course developments (professional development), communicating needs in curriculum updates (online advisory boards), maintaining support of Representatives throughout their career lifecycles, and providing industry with mechanisms to reduce its’ costs in professional development through sharing educational costs throughout related industry.  Thus providing students at every level of educational development, including secondary, post-secondary, post-graduates, post-doctoral, with opportunities to finance their continued education through actual related industry participation (internships / fellowships / professional development training).  While providing industry with low-cost engineered developments to increase the diversity in their products and services.
Funding to support sustainability of public education and the Interns in Industry program after the grant closes comes from the creation of a not-for-profit corporation (NFP).  The NFP purpose is to self-fund and expand services, provide startup funding for new related businesses, develop metrics to provide to industries corresponding to related increased cash flows, and inspire industry participation by educating industry about intern tax breaks and other avenues to promote increased enterprise.  All of these efforts collectively promote a stronger tax base for the State of New Mexico and nationally for the Federal Government.
Depending upon initial grant evaluations and assessments, a follow-on grant would further accelerate development and scale the program to other colleges nation-wide.  Short-term practical sustainability is to be provided through minor fees for posting internships, advertising fees, and marketing by paying commission based upon marketing referrals that result in enterprise related financial support.
Reducing illegal drug trafficking by making it one of the least profitable methods of making a living and re-routing the children trained to support that industry to eliminate the workforce supporting illegal drugs.
The Governor’s Office will be solicited to become a prominent supporter by soliciting industries and businesses all across the state to participate in the scaled version of the “Interns in Industry” program; a sub-process loop to be managed by the NFP.
Every grant can be and incremental and integrated part of scaling the development and implementation of an “Interns in Industry” program, whose implementation is scalable to all New Mexico schools of higher education.  Depending upon initial grant evaluations and assessments, a follow-on grant would further develop and scale the program to other colleges nation-wide.

Automation of this initiative minimizes overhead

Online features would centrally include:

  • an online placement website
    • self-funding, server, management, software development, on-going upgrades
    • not-for-profit corporation to run, promote, and maintain sustainability
      • professionally run, not a faculty project
    • placing interns and recent graduates, while also supporting alumnus;
    • to include identifying business development needed and the related markets,
      • i.e. helping to promote self-employment. 
    • This could be publicized to entice new students to prepare themselves to become paid interns;
      • Including online outreach to the teachers/parents/students of middle schools and high schools.
      • Providing a mechanism to pull students in drug-user/drug-dealer homes out of the training cycle of the illegal drug industry 
    • This provides continuous contact from middle school through University instruction and out into industry where subsequently they encourage their own children to take a similar pathway; creating one of the control cycles to maintain sustainability. 
      • “Junior Achievement” is an existing self-employment association for high school students, from which experience can be culled.
      • The Schools of Business and Political Science in colleges are pathetically under-utilized to coordinate intern/business opportunities:
        • there used to be tax breaks offered to companies for hiring interns,
          • this program provides the on-going metrics needed to track the pay-back of government programs in providing a growing tax base (i.e. national economic development)
        • low-cost of training for employees / entrepreneurs,
        • providing system potentials to seed business expansion by training interns to run related businesses (scaling economic development), and
        • educate all parties involved as to how the ethics of being involved with political systems promotes business enterprise. 
      • The Interns in Industry initiative also provides support for Accreditation metric requirements related to evaluating and assessing (tracking) student alumnus success corresponding to coursework.
        • This provides close integration of economic systems with industry and educational content.
        • This provides a tracking system for future educational grants to use in collecting metrics to trace the success of their developments.

Primary Tenets of Intern Education

  • Teaching Professional Acumen
    • Professional Acumen was common when children learned the family business in all its complexities; but very few children are involved with a family business today.
  • Professional Acumen = Self-confidence + Logic + Predicting Consequences
  • Teaching Professional Acumen = (the following are incorporated throughout)
    • Debate (not Discussion, provides the self-confidence to act)
    • Critical Thinking (the logic of forming useful thoughts)
    • Analyzing any issue of Sustainability (creates consequential relational thinking)
      • Any subjects (STEM, business, music, phys-ed, …)
  • These tenets foster self-employment and entrepreneurial mindsets.
  • These tenets help those with developmental disorders such as ADD / ADHD / … by creating a structure that documents and finds useful solutions to utilize the full spectrum of our society.

Economic Growth through Perceived Risk Reductions

  • An ethics clause would be included in all internships to help sustain an ethical environment of trust so that “perceived” risk by participants is minimized.
    • Participants follow the perceived path of least risks in seeking economic rewards
      • Students are taught how significant & low-risk opportunities are attained
    • Ethics is a measure of the strength in social organizational structure.
    • Ethics is used as a measure of economic risk
    • Unethical practices distract a person and they micro-manage their personal funds as a defense mechanism, rather than promoting their advantages in cash flows.
    • Two components are at the forefront of any new investment:

Scales Broad New Developments throughout Interactive Industries

  • The Interns In Industry initiative provides industry with low-cost developments to diversify their products and services:
    • Related tax breaks when hiring interns,
    • Direct connection to classrooms and paid design projects.
    • School developed patents licensed to industry:
      • promoting economic development,
      • an additional function developed in the web-based database.
    • The not-for-profit corporation funding startup companies with contracts that feed a portion of the startup profits back to the non-profit indefinitely to support operations

Self-Funding Public Education

  • Under the Interns In Industry control cycles, educational overhead can be paid from sources different from government and students:
    • Industry and alumnus become the major source for funding education
      • see Stanford University for statistics and inspirations
    • Industry Professional Development required coursework pays far more than the tuition paid for basic education
      • Industrial periodic re-certifications currently promote excellence in personnel and funding for growth/updates in course developments.
        • These are Funding sources for accreditation related development
      • This provides funding for on-going course developments;
        • Adjunct Faculty “usually” do not support course developments; they teach what was taught previously; stagnated curriculums.
        • Having EVERY industry involved with generating economic cycles where educational developments are part of their economic models promotes National and International enterprise.

Key Component in Broad Tax Base Generation

  • All of these efforts collectively promote a stronger tax base for the State of New Mexico.
    • Economic development translates to more funding to support
      • Local, State, Federal, International infrastructure
      • Grants related to the analysis of the metrics collected by the system
      • Startup funding for new businesses that evolve from these efforts
      • Training of Government employees to better provide for the public

Effectively Reducing Illegal Drug Trafficking

  • Outreach to social segments currently supported by police, prisons, and court systems to re-orient their career pathways
    • Reduce the costs these segments have on society
      • Redirecting cash flows into segments that promote enterprise (increase tax base)
    • Currently, the illegal drug trade is a significant part of the gross national product.  A large number of people dealing drugs supports every motel that rents by the week.  Without illegal drugs, these motels would go out of business.  Many businesses indirectly support/benefit-from illegal drugs; to the detriment of the children who are raised in that environment and being trained to work in that industry. 
      • Rerouting these children into paid internships destroys the illegal drug trade industry by rerouting the support personnel into legal and more profitable ethical enterprise.

Mutually Defined Support for ALL Levels of Political Representatives

      • Currently, Representatives are supported financially by special interest groups and this has the undesired effect of promoting unethical allocation of resources.
      • When predictable support for Representatives throughout their careers by “broad” business enterprise and the support of the people, then Representatives can act in the best interest of the Nation/State rather than narrowly focused Special Interest groups.  Representative Analytical Resources funded by the NFP and developed to provide publically accessible strategic planning.  Tying People, Representation, and Business into one system of synergy.
      • The Governor’s Office is intended to be solicited to become a prominent supporter by soliciting industries and businesses all across the state to participate in the scaled version of the “Interns in Industry” program; a sub-process loop to be managed.
      • Through the computer based modeling and connections that evolve to tie businesses with education, a synergistic subset of software connects businesses with their Representatives.
        • This is devoid at present, but needed so that Representatives support, and are supported by, the environments needed to grow broad sustainable economic and ecological systems.
        • The actionable definition of corruption is “illegal allocation”.  By providing a system that actionably supports Representatives and simultaneously provides the public with broad low-risk significant opportunities, there is synergy within the one system of Political/Business/Education.