Detecting Corruption

To detect corruption, consider what it would take to broadly restore personnel passion in supporting the organization mission.
First required in detection is accepting that corrupt personnel have already entrenched themselves within the organization with deceptive documentation showing they are superficially productive in supporting the organization mission.
Administrative Mafia will change the structure to make ousting them difficult. So the structure must be restored to allow for ousting corrupt personnel without incurring expensive repercussions.

How Corruption gains a Foothold in Organizations

Why would you care if corruption infiltrates your business, school system, office of your political representatives, or other organization?
To answer this a person needs to know what corruption is, and how it broadly stagnates productive outcomes.  How corruption broadly limits future opportunities, and kills passion in supporting the organization mission.
(in-general, to include mafia)
(specific to organization mission)
Self-Esteem is the positive emotional, social, and logical feedback experienced from consistently receiving respect when providing useful mission support for the group.  Passion is the recognition of the variables and processes needed to be controlled, to consistently earn Respect.  Passion comes from practiced experience in achieving useful sets of outcomes.  Passion comes from practiced experience related to mission.  Corrupting the feedback by favoring the unproductive (office politics) instead of favoring the productive (those supporting the mission), causes Passion to die.
To promote passion requires an on-going mutual sharing of useful mission-based relationships and perspectives at every level of the organization.  Arrogance is the “loathing of others”.  A person that is Arrogant has no intent to support someone else’s mission; including that of the organization.  Anyone in an organization that is Arrogant must either be retrained to support mission-based passion, or must be released from service. Arrogance and Micro-Management are the most visible indicators of organization corruption.
Corruption is seeded and grown usually in an environment where there are resources and/or opportunities where self-serving control benefits a few, while harming the future growth of the organization.  With diminished mission focused resources available, fewer opportunities to develop additional resources can be supported; the organization flounders.

Breeding Incompetence through Micro-Management

Micro-management should NOT be a dominant trait, and ONLY used for random auditing to ensure the organization mission is broadly supported.  Well intending senior leader who dominantly understand the inner workings of the organization, that micro-manages subordinates that they acquire to implement administrative processes, become the only ones that understand the broad reaching interrelationships to provide income, promote growth, and reduce liabilities for the organization.  The original senior management is very organization mission centered, and serves the organization well.  Everyone in the organization benefits proportionately.
Personnel consistently NEEDED to be micro-managed are either not being provided the opportunities to learn how to support the organization mission, are pre-occupied by different priorities than the organization mission, or they may be mentally mismatched to serve the organization mission in their present position (emotionally impaired, socially deprived, inexperienced in expressing critical thinking, and/or mal-nourished; i.e. lacking the ability to consistently express common sense).
However, because of micro-management and the lack of broadly training subordinates, and failing to document and enforce consistent administrative processes, senior management is over-worked and they burn-out.  They acquire seemingly more favorable positions elsewhere.  Where they will likely repeat their same mistakes in micro-management; moving from one company to the next, spreading harm.
After the senior management leaves, the position is most often filled by a subordinate.  With lesser training than the vacating leadership.  This subordinate has been a “Yes-man” doing the bidding of the senior leadership, and has only been exposed to a small part of the larger picture in serving the mission of the organization.  As such, the subordinate by definition enters the new position as an incompetent; not understanding the process interrelationships that serve the organization mission.  As a result, their priority quickly shifts from floundering in the administrative processes serving the organization mission, to surviving in their position from day to day.  They seek mentors, and often become a micro-managed pawn of someone seeking to form and administrative mafia to entrench themselves in their position.
Most organizations do NOT have a human resources process that allows a person that unsuccessfully advances into a level of leadership, to step back down in pay grade to support their last position of competence.  Instead, organizations require them to act without the needed training, or they are dismissed.  The structure promotes corruption, because to retain their position requires them to be favored despite their inability to productively support the organization mission.  An administrative mafia develops; and incompetence in supporting the organization mission becomes entrenched, and spreads.
Since the organization processes are not documented, the new manager begins to control what they have access to, meetings with other managers.  The goals become dominantly political to hold onto their position, at the expense of organization productivity; misappropriating organization resources and opportunities.  To strengthen their control in retaining their position, they do NOT hire supporters based on their skills in serving the organization mission, but instead based upon Yes-Men supportive personalities.  Organization productivity diminishes, and future growth is paralyzed because productivity is no longer a dominant concern, “productivity” is only used as a political cliché.  At this point the Administrative Mafia is entrenched.
Staffing readily recognize that incompetent personnel are promoted based on political motivations, instead of the ability to support the organization mission.  Yes-Men are given preference related to not having to be productive, yet getting undeserved recognition and being promoted.  Organization documentation is falsified.  Management becomes top-heavy as more and more incompetent managers become less and less productive.  The resources of the organization are being wasted, Empire Building evaporating available resources that Team Building would otherwise promote future growth opportunities.
Another indicator of corruption is ineffective meetings.  Meetings held without an Action-Item System (tracking meeting developed objectives and those accountable for their completion).  Meeting held where individual attendee’s do NOT significantly contribute to the organization mission, are wasting organization resources, and stifling the development of additional organization resources.  Leadership unable to actively maintain an Action Item System should either be trained to do so or removed from leadership positions altogether.
Leadership that promote or sustain this waste, fraud, and abuse of organization resources and opportunities, should be trained to run productive meetings and hold ALL participants accountable, or they should be removed from their position within the organization; a more competent person appointed to their position.  Any favoritism NOT based on productivity is grounds for dismissal.
One dictionary defines corruption as:
“dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery”.
This is a very weak and vague definition that does NOT at all provide any information as to how to identify corruption, nor how to act to stop corruption.
Dictionaries are archives of commonly “used” interpretations of words; to include the uneducated.  Spacetime is defined in dictionaries, yet no one is an expert in understanding spacetime, nor are they able to show they understand spacetime in practical useful experiments.  Yet dictionaries define spacetime, in the same manner as they define corruption; not at all in action-oriented terminology.  Definitions in dictionaries are primarily used in support of general communications.  However, where critical thinking (logic) references dictionaries, the interpretations are used for political influence.
The following definitions are mutually consistent, and together provide a lexicon, providing a means of better communicating regarding corruption.
(in-general, to include mafia)
(specific to organization mission)
Treason can be with respect to localized organizations, or nationally. In a perfect ethical society, treason at any level indirectly is treason at the national level. However, because of the complexity of individual health, logical, emotional, and social systems throughout society, treason within an organization does not mean that treason at the national level is necessarily implicated.
MAFIA = A social group that imposes selective ethics for different classes of its members, and excludes intentional ethical treatment of non-members
GOVERNMENT = A formalized structure not dependent upon whom occupies positions in office, whereby the structure largely determines the day to day operations, and interfacing social groups evolve local mechanisms of who benefits at who’s expense, based on the ethical consistency imposed by the structure (Constitution and other structure based mechanisms)
One should determine if what they want to engage is a Government, or a Mafia. The method of successful participation strongly depends upon which structure is being used. In a mafia, loyalty and seniority have priority over organization benefit (corruption), and are held in higher regard than competence.  By preference, incompetent are selected in roles of leadership that ensures their role as “Yes Men”. The incompetent leadership know their retention is dependent upon their loyalty over the ethical treatment of everyone else.  In government and competent administration, competence and competent productivity are held in priority over corruption.  However, mafia are often embedded within governments and organization administrations.
“Empire Building” is the unethical and/or illegal allocation of resources and/or opportunities to support the less productive as a reward for loyalty, to entrench corrupt leadership, and diminish productivity for, and diminish future value of the organization.
ANY “Empire Building” done within a government is an act of forming a Mafia, is Racketeering, and is Treason.
“Team Building” is the ethical allocation of resources and/or opportunities to create systems of control to promote consistent productivity and increase value of the organization and its mission.
Team Building growth depends upon the building of participant passion.  Passion is built through skills in teaching one’s self useful information to share with the team, to help the team become stronger.  The strength of the Team must be measured in terms of growing the value of the organization mission.
If the Team ever assigns value to personnel loyalties, instead of the support for the organization mission.  Where decisions are made because of political influence instead of what is good for the mission.  Those personnel participating in political influence should be reassigned to less destructive tasks, and trained to recognize and disband the corruption in which they were supporting; and fired otherwise.