
The passion here is to address Social Injustice by creating
communities of shared Respect;
to program into administration, broad systems supporting growth.

Corruption unethically allocates resources and destroys productive opportunities, that Professional Acumen would otherwise use to support foundations for economic development and the generation of additional under-utilized resources.  Growth, followed by broad availability of opportunities, and resources dedicated to support scalable growth-opportunity developments.

Metrics development (evidence) and Administration (enforcement) are mutually exclusive.  A conflict of interest.  Mafia manipulate the numbers and point fingers to divert accountability to a fall guy.  The actual root causes are intentionally hidden, to protect their cohort and themselves.

Metrics Developers are needed in every company location, that are trained to collect useful and representative metrics, where they are prevented from networking with local administration.  A yellow shirt for instance means don’t talk, only answer questions.  Show the sign-off, meet the people involved; collect raw data.  All information provided by employees are never accessible by the chain of command of the local company.  End of command usually stops with a regional manager.  Regional managers should never see related raw data associated with employees to prevent retaliation and other evidence tampering.

Evidence of Systems Management personnel networking with Administrative personnel, should be grounds for termination of the higher ranking person involved.

Failures of management scaled throughout an organization, broadly kills passion to support growth.  Broad-based Teaming struggles to grow, instead of stagnating.  Mafia led Employees struggle to stagnate, instead of withering.  Mafia Personnel do not think of Growth, they struggle to survive.  Falsification and a lack of Self-Respect indicates a dwindling company characteristic.

The single most destructive influence in Lean business, is Group-Think from entrenched loyalties, and related unrecognized administrative gaps.  Systems Managers are needed to independently  help identify gaps, and coordinate to prevent a segmented system.  Top-heavy unqualified administration with Lean intents, results in employees struggling to survive in the company, instead of having the opportunity to contribute to company growth.  Needed resources just don’t exist.

Critical Chain applied to Operational Systems Development, without adequate diversity of applied expertise, results in uncontrolled critical failures. For instance: over-production requirements of a manufacturing plant, results in waste, down-time, loss of personnel, health management issues, and mafia development (an attempt to survive, instead of flourishing).

Environmental changes in the presence of unqualified administration, creates unfavorable Dimensions (scalar integration) of gaps distributed throughout development and the final working environment (scaled systems of failure).  A working system that becomes micromanaged (hiring of enforcers without the diversity of needed experience), enforces stagnation and the hiding of gaps.  Corrupting contributing foundational support for growth.  Corruption programmed into the system; entrenched.  System failures and waste caused by administration, where employees are targeted as the cause for the company failures.

An example:  A company runs a complex system of 70 pieces of equipment (thousands of parts) continuously without stopping, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, except when shut down 4 hours a week.  The equipment ten to 30 or more years old, and only a single hired technician to service the equipment.  Every piece of equipment is hooked to each other in series.  Any one piece fails, and the entire system stops; no redundancy. It takes 4 work days just to inspect the equipment; if the time was available.  Any parts replacement cuts into the 4 hours available.  This is a system programmed to have uncontrolled failures.  This is a systems problem where redundancy was not designed into the system to ensure reliability and time to work on the systems.  This system was originally designed to run 5 days a week with 2 down-days for maintenance every week, pushed beyond its design specifications.   Instead of building another plant that produces non-competing products that is capable of in-part supporting redundancies, incompetent management causes the company mission to suffer with dwindling resources.  The technician is blamed for the failure of the system developers and related administration.  The technician is a fall guy for an administrative mafia.  Local Administration was similarly setup for failure, because of the Systems development problem.  Instead of limiting production so there is adequate time to work on the equipment, or installing sufficient redundancy, corporate enforcers that have no ability to make useful changes blame local administrators for company losses.  Mafia pass blame onto subordinates for system failures they have no ability to control.

Company management that is traditionally based in corruption, finds it difficult to think in any other terms.  “Mafia networking” for entrenchment (stagnation), is far different than “Broad-based Teaming” for Growth.  Mafia center around personal benefit; retaining the power to allocate resources and opportunities.  Broad-based Teaming requires an evidence-based excess of resources to be developed from complex broadly recognized interrelationships.  Mafia led companies naturally support Mafia networking; easily scalable for stagnation.  Entrenched stagnation.  Blinded by ignorance, and the thought “It’s always worked like this”.  Loyalties have priority over the company mission.

Broad-based Teaming requires fluidic adaptive management to overlay actual evidence generated by Metric Developers, across system resources (equipment, labor…).  This provides an Accurate picture of company health; instead of Administration looking through rose colored glasses.

Broad-based Teaming requires Digital Automation to broadly apply metrics collected, to every correlation and related risk factors.  For small organizations this might be a spreadsheet.  For a large company, systems of spreadsheets, databases, and decentralized processing to provide correlations.  Potentially a supervisory application for Artificial Intelligence, to identify complex pathways that broadly grow the company.

Under Broad-based Teaming, imperative is that the Metrics Developer is terminated for collaborating with any administration, beyond gaining access to data; Metrics Developers must be audited for collusion.

Management requires an overlay of scalar diversity, where feedback from meaningful evidence evolves not just profit, but a diversity of growth opportunities.  Fluidic Management position names change, as opportunities institutes and retires divisions. Trained Metrics Developers infiltrated into every aspect of the organization to collect meaningfully represented data.  Identifying deception, and passing that information to Broad-based Teaming and related automation.

There are two distinct management systems, that are mutually exclusive.  Managers that develop, and managers that enforce (maintain).  At no time should a Systems Manager position, be occupied by anyone who is skilled in enforcement.  Systems Managers intentionally change everything based on a broad diversity of changing environment considerations and collaborations.  Administrative Managers intentionally stagnate everything based on Systems Management directives.  Promote an Administrative Manager into a Systems Management position, and the inexperienced/incompetent administrator strongly harms organization mission by stagnating development.

Systems Management is Fluidic/Dynamic management fed by Metrics Developers, where findings are superimposed onto Administrative enforcement.  Critical is that Metrics Developers are independent from administration, where they roam every aspect of plant equipment, personnel, and collected data.  Shifting collection requirements to help identify fraudulently entered data.

 Notice that four independent entities are required to help eliminate organization corruption:  Systems Managers, Administrative Managers, Metrics Developers, and a Professionalism Department.

The Professionalism Department uses Metrics Developer raw data to identify inconsistent relationships indicating fraud, the need for “Useful” training, gaps not yet identified related to reasonable expectations, initiating efforts/committees toward healing gaps…


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Part of Civil Rights is Representation free of Treason


What is Corruption?

(in-general, to include weakening a mafia)

(specific to organization mission)

Misuse of the word “Corruption”

The word “Corruption” is most commonly used as a political tool, when corruption does not benefit the complainant.  As proof before continuing, ……. define corruption without being vague.

If a person uses a word because of its sound, rather than it’s use as an action-oriented definition, it is being used for political influence.  Not as a tool to understand and promote social justice.

“Honor” a strong indicator of belonging to a Corrupt Organization

The word “Corruption” is often used for self-serving intent.  Similarly, “Honor” is a word used most often to justify deviating from Professional Acumen and good of the many.  “Honor” activities are used to gain favor from others viewed as having influence, based on “expressed loyalty”.  Honor corrupts Professional Acumen.  Persons and resources that could contribute to useful growth, are restricted for not being compliant with loyalty requirements, and community/organization growth is stagnated.

Corruption and related “Honor” are used to beg for inclusion in opportunities; based on loyalties instead of competence.  Instead of a group skilled in diverse achievements, figureheads are micromanaged to focus use of resources based in group-think (lack of administrative diversity).  Very often resulting in sustained abuse and waste; a lack of broader skills and insights.

Corrupt Organizations are small organizations, as the intent is that a few benefit from the resources of the many.  Corrupt organizations are parasites that feed off the larger social community/organization.  Corrupt organizations rarely, if ever, develop anything significant.  They tend to keep their disciples impoverished, so that offered scraps are tools of control.

Corrupt administration spend a disproportionate amount of time networking to become entrenched, rather than usefully training staff and eliminating recurring waste.  Corrupt administration attempt to highlight the failings of others, to divert attention away from their own perceived shortcomings.  Bragging about accomplishments and expressing Arrogance instead of confidence.

Arrogance is the loathing of others; an indicator of risk factors for Empire Building.

The intelligent are threatened with compliance from a corrupt group.  Community inspiration and useful growth is smashed into unrecognizable prison-like social environments.  Even those who perceive themselves as in-charge, struggle with personal frustrations, disdain from others, and mediocre accomplishments.  Without supported inspirations of others, personal accomplishments dwindle.  Life is suffered, not relished with beauty, intellect, and personal accomplishments.

Professional Acumen relates to the good of the many, not the few.  Professional Acumen pours over into every facet of useful activities.  Honor has no useful place in professionalism.  Honor is the expressed compliance in a Corrupt Organization, that stagnates development of useful opportunities, and squanders human intellect.


Passionate productive organization staff and membership often feel they have no control in stopping the entrenched corruption.  However, unethical allocation of organization resources and/or opportunities is most often a criminal offense.  Those involved with corruption tend to implicate themselves by providing evidence of their criminal activities as they struggle to harm others to unethically retain their control.  This evidence can be collected and brought to the attention of the membership (petition), Board Members (recipient of petition), CEO (allowing them to keep Board informed), Certification Agencies supporting the organization, local law enforcement, the local Attorney General, the FBI; in that order with time to allow each level to respond.  Failing to respond within a reasonable time is sufficient cause to broaden the number of petitions collected and then move to the next higher level of mitigation.

Corruption successfully uses “Divide and Conquer” to show preference to an undeserving (incompetent Yes-Men) few, that together “unjustly take” (i.e. steal resources for other than organization mission use) resources and opportunities from the many (that would otherwise build additional resources to support the mission and everyone involved), through Operations Manual (Organization Chart and related control mechanisms) corruption. Creating an administrative mafia that unjustly allocates resources and opportunities for mafia benefit instead of organization benefit; killing organization staff passion (staff are not justly rewarded for their part in supporting the mission and are not offered related future opportunities). With loss of passion, the organization loses efficiency and resources are allocated to a top-heavy management filled with incompetent personnel; entrenching corruption.

If ineffectual meetings are common-place in your organization, management is likely untrained and broadly incompetent.  Google Search: “Action Item System”

Ineffectual meetings where meetings exclude needed participants, the personnel invited have no opportunity to learn how to productively contribute, the participants are not accountable (not just responsible) for contributing to the purpose of the meeting (agenda), these meetings are being managed by incompetent supervisory staff.

The lack of organization and delegation of authority seen at meetings, is most likely present throughout supervisory staff day to day operations.  Micro-management does not “USEFULLY” delegate authority, and the mission is only narrowly served.  This allows a great number of organization resources (labor hours, overhead …) and opportunities (misused resources not applied to productively develop new additional resources to support the organization mission and all its participants), to be squandered on personal agendas (embezzling organization resources, entrenching their position so they cannot be fired for their incompetence, unjustly pushing liabilities onto other more productive staff…

Organization Members are ACCOUNTABLE for the management and content of the organization Articles of Incorporation. While the voter supported Board Members are responsible and criminally liable for the accurate recording of organization membership intents to be recorded with the State corporations division.  The CEO must NOT have any right to alter the Articles of Incorporation without the voted majority of a quorum of Board Members AND some margin over the majority of ALL membership notified and having their vote recorded by a reputable third party and that third party publishing the results for all membership to review, potentially raise objections, and iterate proposed solutions until approved by some margin of a majority of all membership.  Members should collectively have direct knowledge of both the proposed changes, and the ramifications related to the organization and its mission (new liabilities, ethical issues, potential gateways for corruption to infiltrate the organization….  Intentionally, the Articles of Incorporation are the most difficult of Organization Structure to change; often surviving unchanged the entire duration of a corporation’s lifetime.

Most new changes to the Articles of Incorporation are either to eliminate current corruption, or to allow for greater corruption (unethical allocation of organization resources and/or opportunities).

The Board Members are selected based on having an understanding how the “STRUCTURE” of the organization, to include all of its divisions, best provides “broad” (not Board) support of the organization mission.  Therefore, the “MISSION” must be well defined.  Any Board Member that does NOT usefully contribute to the purposes of the Board should be asked to step down, or impeached with the support of broad membership quorum simple majority.  All membership notified by email, at least 10% of all membership responding, and no objection to proceedings by a randomly selected Ethics Committee composed of at least 10 reputable people of the membership.

The CEO is solely ACCOUNTABLE for the management and content of the organization Operations Manual; which CANNOT conflict with the organization Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.  The CEO should terminate their employment if the Board unethically threatens the CEO related to managing the content of the Operations Manual.  The CEO should be terminated by the voting majority of the Board if at any time there is EVIDENCE the CEO is engaged in corruption or is incompetent in maintaining the Operations Manual and related staff compliance.  The CEO is to delegate committees/teams to develop and manage compliance with the Operations Manual with the requirement to productively report on related activities.

The CEO of an organization should NEVER have voting rights within a Board Meeting or related issue put to vote, but should be present to answer questions.  The Board should never micro-manage the activities of the CEO; and if the need becomes necessary the CEO should be terminated.  Board Members ONLY manage operations temporarily while a new CEO is vetted and hired.  The Board Members must remain aware that the CEO is constantly tempted to use their position to embezzle resources and opportunities to carry out their personal agendas. Any micro-management carried out by the CEO of an organization should immediately indicate the likeliness of corruption being implemented; except in the on-going effort to do systematic audits related to Operations Manual compliance.

The Board is solely ACCOUNTABLE for the management and content of the organization Bylaws; the Month to Month STRUCTURE of the organization.
Where staff micro-management and independent decisions are made ineptly or corruptly not serving the organization mission, Investors/membership through the Board (and related no-confidence procedures), and CEO committee/team members, need to revise the Operations Manual and redistribute personnel accountability so the structure better serves the mission despite who occupies the position in the future, to prevent corruption from easily circumventing the Operations Manual.  Key leadership participating in corruption at the highest levels need to be retrained, reorganized, or terminated to prevent their Arrogance (loathing of others) from interfering with providing a continuing factor in broadly restoring passion in the workplace, and related organization productivity and organization mission value.

Large organizations often have ethics/legal oversight offices/committees/personnel but most often they are set up ineffectually to prevent scrutiny of corruption in higher level administration.  The Board/Trustees of the organization are personal friends of the corrupt which creates a mafia to entrench corruption at the highest levels of organization.

An ethical CEO wanting to provide a productive organization is blocked in every effort to eliminate corruption broadly.  A CEO must systematically disconnect upper level administration from the board, and implement a consistent change in the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Operations Manual to prevent Empire Building within the organization.  Understanding how corruption forms and is maintained provides a base for incremental reorganization of administration.

Representative Acts of Treason

The purpose of the Free Press was to monitor and report all corrupt activities; but the press has become corrupt, and technology provides communications that reporters have no access to monitor. Reporters can only access a very limited number of significant corrupt activities. Coalitions control the press and content is reported with bias, or hiding known relationships in support of unpublished agendas. The NSA provides monitoring technologies and activities to support 12 departments of the Federal Government (FBI, Homeland Security, CIA …). The NSA was placed under the Executive Branch to free it of influence by the legislative and judicial branches. Yet oversight policies do NOT include reporting of Representatives engaged in corruption, and potential Federal Representative treason. Any intentional act of a Representative to weaken national security to support corruption is treason.
Senator Sanders (I-VT), is leading an organized Senate initiative to STOP the NSA from monitoring Representatives and their Advisors’ communications.

This is an ACT of TREASON if the intention is to promote unethical/illegal allocations of national resources and opportunities. HOWEVER, Senator Sanders himself may not be acting to further his own interests. He may be attempting to support national interests for freedom in privacy; perhaps his unethical actions are based in neglect, not intent to promote corruption. But unless every State’s Constitution guides NSA oversight that is of a magnitude that is relative in population and capacity to the number of the vast systems needing to be monitored, and of the technical training to know what they are looking at, then NSA oversight is unethical.  However, NSA oversight is absolutely necessary and can become Constitutional and ethical with a slight change in the way the NSA is managed and developed.

The act of stopping the NSA from monitoring our Representatives and their Advisers creates easy opportunities for organized crime and unethical Foreign Interests to control our national resources and opportunities through:

  • bribe and otherwise threaten by violence or restriction of opportunities toward them, their family, friends, and constituents.
  • Instantiating corrupt Representatives, and endangering ethical Representatives.

Private Research provides incremental advances to beneficially advance the human condition.  However, related research requires oversight to prevent catastrophic harm.  Examples are medical treatments that result in greater harm than benefits where $18 billion is earned, and only $2 billion are paid in restitution; and resulting in the follow-on funding of repeated cycles of medical corruption.

People in-general tend to currently REACT to disasters, instead of anticipating impact and likely occurrence.  Strong skills in using Professional Acumen and Teaching Professional Acumen is required to anticipate impact and likely occurrence of corruption and the means to help eliminate related corruption.

Corruption moves quickly to take control of opportunities, entrenches control, and therefore prevents ethical interference.

APPLE vs US Government

Apple Computers is currently defending the right of privacy of individuals electronic device information; from the Federal Government.

In a completely ethical global environment, no one would need to protect any information.  Bank account numbers could broadly be disseminated and they would never be abused.  However, there are the sick and criminal that abuse personal information.  For the family bank account, related privacy protection by law and law enforcement seems quite obvious.  But what of an activist?

This site actively promotes the teaching of common sense in every organization.  Should this site fear unethical hardship because of acting to ethically protect the future of humanity as technology capable of destroying all of humanity evolves, to eliminate corruption and promote broad skills in common sense globally?

Now what of the terrorist or freedom fighter; they at times cannot be separated. Should their personal information be protected by Constitutional law? Emphatically YES !!!!   However, if a Constitutionally AND ethical monitoring system can access private information, disseminate, and use collected information without harm to the individual AND society, then that system should be allowed to access privately held information.  Currently the FBI and NSA do NOT have managed systems that are consistently Constitutional and Ethical to monitor, disseminate, or use private information.  Therefore the freedom fighter should not have their private information accessed, …. until Constitutional and Ethical Personal Information Oversight is provided.


Corruption uses the shifting balance between security and freedom to unethically allocate resources and/or opportunities; creating unfounded wars for coalitions to steal resources and related opportunities. The NSA monitors everything, including our politicians and their communications; yet are not allowed to report treason.

Religion is often used as a platform to justify stealing resources from others, even from those of the same religious beliefs.  Corrupt leadership posing as being righteous in actuality are sociopath criminals acting to steal in the name of God.

You cannot directly contact Senator Sanders, you can ONLY contact your own Representatives; contact them with a minimum of the following:
email, post & tweet:

Civil Rights includes Representation free of Treason

Understanding the Foundations of Corruption

In-general, the best way to fight corruption is to implement broad methods of providing mafia key members with greater profits, easier efforts, and at lower risks.  Most mafia members were bred into their mafia-based environment.

The “Yes-Men” mafia members are of little concern, they are generally incompetent and their value is in their loyalty and key member enforcement compliance.  The valuable key mafia members are highly skilled, but usually not in the positions that they hold.  They struggle to remain entrenched, too incompetent to advance they become Yes-Men to higher level key mafia. They tend to insulate themselves from evaluation by surrounding themselves with sacrificial Yes-Men, who are more focused on loyalties than competence in serving the organization mission.

By providing key members with greater perceived opportunities that involve less requirements to learn, and increasing local risks to them, a higher pressure locally is applied towards a lower pressure situation (locally or externally) that the mafia member tends to want to fill. When they leave, a vacuum will suck in another corrupt administrator, unless the structure is “made-ready” to quickly change to promote competent support of the organization mission; so unqualified mafia Yes-Men are unable to fill the position needed by the structure.

The problem with hiring internally, is that preference is given to loyalty to “sustain” instead of the potential improved competence to support “growth” of the organization mission.  Generally, internal staff do not have the time nor initiative to diversify their knowledge set and social networks, to grow support of the organization mission in the new position; they instead just try to survive in the new position.  Hiring externally, if done well, brings in talent needed to grow.  The Operations Manual should provide them with the knowledge of the structure and processes to come up to speed quickly related to how things work now.

Fighting Corruption at the National Level

Whistle-blowing does NOT presently work to remove Administrative Mafia from positions held in government.  A press release from the next higher level of management is released, but the mafia remains.  In extreme cases where a criminal is fired, a new incompetent person occupies the same position, participating in the same mafia activities.

So what to do?

All mafia depend upon a structure of control.  They incrementally change bylaws and operating procedures to entrench themselves.  The mafia top leadership is intelligent and they are untouchable until their tentacles can be snipped off one at a time.

Because corrupt leadership tend to micro-mange Yes-Men appointed into influential positions; these Yes-Men tend to be incompetent.  They do not at all understand the company policies and procedures.

The corrupt leadership segregates human resources from all other departments. With no requirements to provide mutual auditing of policies and procedures, human resources broadly damages company productivity. The business manager of human resources is often micromanaged by mafia leadership.

To detect mafia, ask yourself:

  • Are decisions made by Human Resources counter productive in serving the organization mission?
  • Instead of being confident, are members of leadership arrogant (loathing of others)?  Confident leadership wants to share what they know to make the organization stronger.  Arrogant leadership horde information and otherwise prevent the sharing of useful information, to prevent the sharing of respect. Stagnating useful developments.

Corruption in-general is the harm done to system integrity.

The systems supporting corruption can itself be corrupted.

Corruption in organizations is the unethical and/or illegal “ALLOCATION” of resources and/or opportunities.

Organize.  Get involved with the Bylaws committee, process improvements, and liaison committees. Identify what is missing in the structure that allows incompetent employees to hold their positions.  In the case of the organization chart as it relates to human resources, move human resources under mutual auditing by security , a board member is any, and all of the department heads.

========= Implementing Professional Acumen =========

Developing anything requires some skill in Project Management. Implementing project management depends upon Efficient Learning Skills; that are assisted by Research Tips & Tricks. To be a valuable part of a group to usefully choose information and skills to learn and share with the group requires Professional Acumen. To prevent others who want to abuse group resources for their own agendas, skills related to Recognizing Corruption are required; and subsequently what to do to prevent Sustained Corruption.

Growth of group power and influence requires developing a powerful mutually sustaining group.  Where member weaknesses are recognized without condescension (Arrogance) nor self-deceit (lack of Self-Respect) and the group together prevents significant harm to the group; all members have weaknesses.  Together the group determines a reasonable set of goals, and each member teaches themselves additional skills to support achieving those goals. Demonstrated success creates a reputation of perceived trust in the group and its members.  A bad reputation of an individual affects the reputation of the group.  So perceived value of the group depends upon training the individual members.

Other persons or groups with control over under-utilized resources, tend to offer access to those resources where there is trust additional under-utilized resources can be developed more than they currently control.  The group must be able to show evidence of being a low-risk significant resource for development.

During development, others outside the group who appear to be worthy of Access to Opportunities to earn respect, are provided an opportunity to teach themselves related to a low-risk low-value project benefiting the group.

Failure does not significantly harm the group; depending on many factors the person may be trained or excluded from the group. Success means providing the person a higher risk but more significant opportunity to develop. The person learns to mitigate higher risks, by sharing risks with others in the group (mentoring). As a result, a long string of successes benefits both the group and each individual.

A person without Professional Acumen, cannot usefully participate in development, so they are either used a placeholders to implement some form of control, or they are taught to “consistently” express Professional Acumen so they can learn to become a useful part of developments.

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