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Corruption uses resources meant to broadly grow opportunities and return on investment, to instead participate in waste, fraud, and abuse to benefit a few at the broad expense of the many. Killing future opportunities for the many.
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Part of Civil Rights is Representation FREE of Treason
The main purpose of the National Security Agency (NSA) is to protect our Representatives from being coerced into acts of Treason
Billions of dollars in corruption are spent every year to manipulate Representatives of the United States. ANY Representative that weakens national security to promote the interests of corruption is a Traitor.
Elected Qualified & Verified Ethical State Representatives from every State representing their States Constitution, and MANAGING the National Security Agency (NSA), provides for Constitutionally sound representation in monitoring privately held information.
Destabilizing Entrenched Administrative Mafia
Administrative Mafia are rarely noticed during their creation. Administrators seem to be forming collegiality in support of providing a desirable environment to work.
MAFIA = A social group that imposes selective ethics (equitable qualified access to opportunities) for different classes of its members, and excludes intentional ethical treatment of non-members
GOVERNMENT / ADMINISTRATION = A formalized structure not dependent upon whom occupies positions in office, whereby the structure largely determines the day to day operations, and interfacing social groups evolve local mechanisms of who benefits at whom’s expense, based on the ethical consistency imposed by the structure (Constitution, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Operations Manual, Process Forms and other structure based mechanisms)
Corruption kills passion throughout an organization, promoting waste, fraud, abuse, and thereby broadly diminishes organization productivity and value.”
Related to Federal Government
Contact ALL your representatives, and if you are inspired, every government leader that you can find contact information, and send them by letter, email, voice mail … the following:
“We the Citizens of the United States to MAXIMIZE BOTH FREEDOMS AND SECURITY, not giving up one to have the other, require the National Security Agency (NSA) be managed and further developed by State elected qualified representation completely separate from legislative and judicial representation and guided by their State’s Constitution. The costs are significantly offset by waste, fraud, and abuse being converted into trusted opportunity development and related national economic development with global investors.
- NSA state representatives are to include ALL states, with diverse ethnic and cultural constituents
- There shall be a pair of two NSA State Representatives for each management position, a PhD or Masters in Science (understanding technology), and a PhD or Masters in Philosophy (applied ethics)
- Neither representative shall be significantly affiliated with any faith based perspective that contradicts the Constitution of the United States
- Neither representative shall have an affiliation with judicial nor legislative development activities
- Neither representative shall qualify if there is a significant conflict of interest in defending Federal and State Constitutions
- conflicts of interest include but are not limited to, any indication of corporate obligation, grant, or other obligations inconsistent with ethical administration and development within the NSA
- the state shall equally represent each candidate, pay and provide access for all Representative campaigns, and investigate for conflict of interest related to any disproportionate privately funded campaign practices
- The number of NSA state Representative Positions (2 PhD or Masters in each position), shall be equivalent in number as the total number of Congress and Senate state representatives
- but with no effectual affiliation with any political party; to provide State Representation within the NSA
- each shall participate in periodic lie detection to assess for infiltration of corruption
- any willful act to corrupt the NSA shall be Treason
- The NSA state representatives shall ensure the Security of all peoples Freedoms are free of corruption related to Federal and State Constitutions, respectively; and, to determine how the information collected and derived by the NSA shall best be usefully used as it relates to our Freedoms and Security
- Corruption is defined as the unethical and/or illegal allocation of resources and/or opportunities as provided for in the Constitution of the United States and State Constitutions, respectively
- The NSA State Representatives shall restrict collected information from use for any other purpose
- The NSA shall have NO AUTHORITY over any investigative or enforcement personnel; but shall provide notice to individuals involved with corruption to make restitution or otherwise have evidence provided to the respective District Attorney for investigation and judicial processing; and, in the case of administrative corruption the next higher level of both Federal and State judicial investigation
- The Senate and Congress shall continue to provide ethical oversight of the Investigative Branches that the NSA supports (CIA, FBI, Homeland Security …) which provides INDIRECT ethical oversight of the NSA
- The investigative branches already routinely monitor the effectiveness of NSA efforts, as part of intelligence
- All Federal Investigative services shall monitor for corruption of NSA Representatives, as each branch has unique insight into the corruption they investigate
- Any act or deceptive omission to corrupt the NSA is an act of Treason
- The NSA State elected Representatives after a 2-year term return to their Universities to teach classes in ethics and technology development to cultivate the next generations of NSA Ethics Representatives, to better prepare them for evolving technology and related methods used to prevent corrupting the standards of living under the Federal and State Constitutions.”
To find & email your specific Congressmen and Senators:
To talk directly with the staff of your Representatives:
for the House (202) 224-3121 | TTY: (202) 225-1904
Other Departments
Want to stop corruption caused by foreign governments. Contact them with the above same quote; they can read into it the applicability to their country and discuss it with our representatives when they meet.
Chiefs of State of Foreign Governments
Why Take Action
Since the Declaration of Independence (U.S. and other countries similar documents) and the first fights against taxation without representation and other oppression, technology has allowed Special Interest groups (to include Terrorist Groups, soulless Corporations, and corrupt politicians) to use the innate weaknesses of our political structure to undermine the basis for our Constitution; a modern form of racketeering, treason, and organized crime; jeopardizing national security.
How our Representatives Voted:
One method our Representatives are FAKING their votes:
Who are the ghosts behind the faces of our government, who continue to manipulate the world into a continuous chain of wars. A chain that has killed hundreds of millions of people, and that deters development? This is only one relationship the NSA should be informing the public about. Why? In the near future the manipulation of space/time physics will allow a few to control and kill one, everyone, or selectively provide different ethics for different classes of people under a mafia instead of a governement. Will we be oppressed or eliminated? Our freedoms taken from our descendants.
Tools already In-Place
Broad monitoring is already done by the NSA and its 12 sub-directorates (FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, NIS, …) without public representative oversight; this is unconstitutional. But by providing elected doctors of science and philosophy to expand the related technologies, AND to monitor the standards and use of information collected, then our privacy is being ethically protected by our elected Representatives (NSA Oversight Representatives).
Elected NSA oversight representatives are intended to both develop (collective knowledge of all related systems) and evaluate how uniform standards apply to everyone, and the uniform enforcement (eliminating classes of ethical treatment).
An important part of this transition is that the NSA and its automated monitoring systems notify offenders to correct their indiscretion, and then monitors to ensure compliance and restitution if appropriate. Failing to do so, local authorities are provided evidence and officers and jury systems are monitored for fair processing. If officers do not act upon the indiscretion, then the total body of evidence is escalated up to the next level of authorities and related companies are notified of potential consequences. If this fails to bring about results, then the next level of authority is notified and the public is provided related information and who is in association with the illegal allocation, to include related companies, their brand names, and products. After many intermediate levels of notification and monitoring, the last level of notification is our President.
Honeywell uses a similar system for process tracking and control. Very rarely does an issue go past the first level of authority. Thereafter it is viewed as a systemic problem and issues are evaluated to include the system as well as individuals by a process improvement team.
The National Security Agency (NSA) is solely controlled by the office of the President of the United States and the people that control the Executive Branch of government. The NSA supports a large number of sub-directorates that only needs a single judge to obtain a warrant to covertly monitor any person or corporation (wire tapping, covertly breaking in to copy documents, copy by any means computer information, record in detail the habits and personal relationships of anyone, …).
Recently, a few years ago, President Bush took control away from judges and even though the judge was ineffectual, any President now has absolute control over the NSA sub-directorates which include the FBI (US monitoring), CIA (international monitoring), Homeland Security, and a dozen other sub-directorates which includes the military and other focused intelligence efforts; separate from judicial compliance. In an ethical environment, this is not a problem; actually it is essential. When we begin to control time and space (near term), what will corruption do with those technologies; virtual slavery?
England reported that over 3 billion (EU) are illegally allocated annually, and hundreds of billions of Euros in national cash flow are indirectly depressed because of related perceived risks.
Illegal Allocation provides significant opportunities to an elite group, that is not offered to others regardless of capacity and capability.
Current NSA directorate warrants are meaningless and effectively allows the NSA centered intelligence gathering to collect information without public scrutiny, they support other directorates that are sanctioned to collect private information, while Presidential directives prevent the NSA and sub-directorates from monitoring special interest group corrupt practices and disclosing those actions to the public.
Under our current system a single judge would have to oversee thousands of covert transactions nationwide to adequately monitor national security issues, and to follow up to ensure those requests were legitimate. Further, since information collected by the NSA can be arbitrarily “classified”, the NSA can arbitrarily prevent the judge from monitoring the kinds of data collected.
The current system is not practical and therefore unethical and suffers from a lack of Critical Thinking and Sustainability, there is no reasonable way the judge would know what the NSA does with the information collected; and since the judge is controlled by the Executive Branch of Government and the related power brokers, this is highly susceptible to corrupt practices. The current system allows for shielding illegal allocation while further promoting unscrupulous special interest activities.
The “Protect America Act” is unconstitutional. But a “simple change” to provide “REPRESENTATION by all States” in the covert collection and processing of data would make the Act Constitutionally sound.
The NSA must be managed and developed by doctors of science (one parallel position for each State elected political representative; but with no affiliation) to evaluate all data collected and eliminate the useless requirement of warrant by a judge (presently coerced into signing off on any NSA warrant presented before them); and to require the NSA to monitor for corrupt political practices (terrorist activities, criminal activities, political practices that endanger National Security, …), with the mandate to notify the offending parties quietly to correct their behavior, only then after they have failed to correct their actions adequately, their actions are published on a NSA publicly available website where authorities would take action with the evidence provided.
We the people would then boycott corrupt representatives and their supporting corporations. The associated District Attorney would be notified, and be given the details to substantiate investigation. The District Attorney would then fully investigate and prosecute in accordance with the law. The NSA would at no time directly intervene, thereby limiting their power to nudging our political system away from corrupt activities.
Letter to be Sent to Your Activists and Representatives
The following details how to update our 200 year old political structure to provide representative governance commensurate with current technologies that promotes the economy, desires of the masses, Critical Thinking, and Sustainable government practices; allowing the Government and the people to think as ONE. This same system can be seeded into other governments like Iraq and Iran to create an ethical environment for all peoples; a global community of shared respect and international economic productivity.
To find & email your specific Congressmen and Senators:
To talk directly with the staff of your Representatives:
for the House (202) 224-3121 | TTY: (202) 225-1904
Other Departments
COPY & PASTE THE FOLLOWING to your Activists & Representatives
As your constituent, I request that you forward the following to all political activists and delegates in every State of the United States.
Subject: Provide Constitutional Representation in managing and building the National Security Agency by providing Ethically & Professionally Qualified Elected Representation from EVERY State.
Corruption destroys broad access to economic development opportunities. Costing many hundreds of billions of dollars in economic development annually; and more related to perceived higher risks and a lack of related development.
Create an “Oversight of NSA Ethics committee” (ONE) to manage NSA Data Collection, Assessment, and Technology that are provided to all Security Agencies throughout the United States.
To provide Constitutional Representation regarding data collection by the NSA, requires a sufficient number of State Representatives qualified to know what is being assessed, to evaluate the data collected, and control to whom and how the information is disseminated.
The ONE Committee is to be a diverse group formally trained and “practiced” in Ethical Evaluation, Critical Thinking, and Anti-Corruption to represent every State and its population. Each State is to pay for their own Representation supporting the State Constitution.
Each State economically benefits by converting waste, fraud, and abuse into resources in support of trusted economic developments.
To be instated to provide Critical Thinking and Sustainability oversight and management of all National Security Agency(NSA) data collection, assessments, and directives to include sub-Directorates of the NSA.
Read based upon intent to prevent corrupt altering of content.
The Citizens of the United States require the National Security Agency (NSA) be managed and further developed by State representation guided by their State’s Constitution, including ALL states, with diverse ethnic and cultural constituents, composed ONLY of state elected doctors of philosophy (ethics) and science (technology development) and having no affiliation with judicial nor legislative development activities, to ensure the Security of all peoples Freedoms free of Corruption, and to determine how the information collected and derived by the NSA shall best be used as it relates to our Freedoms and Security, and to “absolutely” restrict this information from any other purpose. The NSA shall have NO AUTHORITY over any investigative or enforcement personnel; but shall provide notice to individuals involved with corruption to make restitution or have evidence provided to the District Attorney for investigation and judicial processing. The Senate and Congress shall continue to provide ethical oversight of the Investigative Branches that the NSA supports (CIA, FBI, Homeland Security …) which provides INDIRECT ethical oversight of the NSA. The NSA State elected Representatives after a 2-year term return to their Universities to teach classes in ethics and technology development to cultivate the next generations of NSA Ethics Representatives.
Because this large representative body of individuals will act as a covert, but highly trained publicly elected governing body, this will allow the NSA to continue data collection without warrant. The Senate and Congress will provide “oversight and not direct control” of this new branch in our political structure, thereby providing the needed checks and balances.
The problem with our current political system is that Special Interests (Oil Companies, Defense Contractors, Big Business Corporations, Foreign Interests, …) actively and covertly influence our political representatives and subvert the law relative to declared and undeclared corporations. Private research (to include genetic weapons engineering in all its forms, experimentation with spacetime, nuclear physics weapons research, economic special interest initiatives, self-serving social conformance efforts, …) are potentially high risk threats to National Security, yet are largely unmonitored. Corrupt and Neglective influences are not ONLY the fault of our Representatives, they are the fault of our unupdated 200 year old political structure.
To correct this weakness in our Government, in addition to the Senate and Congress, create a new branch of State elected political representatives whose only purpose is to manage the National Security Agency (NSA), which did not exist at the birth of our political structure.
Candidates for these new positions must be doctors of science with proven understanding of Critical Thinking and Sustainability evaluation. Doctors of science are necessary because they need to understand and interact with the inner workings of computer software to continuously analyze the large amounts of diverse real world data currently collected.
Our present political structure does not have a Critical Thinking and Sustainability political component to effectively neutralize the criminal aspect of political pandering, coercive control over our Representatives, or special interest influences in our Society and in our Government, but we do have the resources to implement this ethical “structure”.
The National Security Agency (NSA) sanctioned sub-directorates monitor ALL organizations: CIA, NIS, Air Force, Army, PLO, Al-Qaeda, Defense Contractors, Oil Companies, Greenpeace, ALL of our Politicians, and basically all organizations whether domestic or abroad. Anyone with this information controls the focus of our Nation, along with our Freedoms, Security, and significant economic development opportunities.
An important point here is that collecting information is necessary and of little negative consequence in an “ethical” environment. What specifically is done with that information is extraordinarily important, especially in unethical and abusive hands.
Currently, Special Interests unethically manipulate our country’s assets, as well as other country national resources, despite “We the Peoples” desires. How many people and soldiers have died supporting a business interest rather than a national interest?
We do not have elected Representatives; we must chose between Appointed Puppets that Illegally Allocate national, state, city, and business resources.
As a consequence of Special Interest actions, they erode human rights, leave our country unnecessarily exposed to security threats, and hinder commerce that would flourish were it not for the absence of Critical Thinking and Sustainability practices being devoid within the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Special Interests, Large Corporations, and Political Parties.
Each “Oversight of NSA Ethics committee” (ONE) delegate represents elected representation by certified highly trained in Critical Thinking and Sustainability, doctors with non-partisan control to inform the public about our country’s human rights, freedoms, security, and illegal economic allocations.
Together with Congress and the Senate, ONE delegates provide a tertiary and complementary system of representation, with each representative political faction having unique assets and control mechanisms. The combination of focused representation for business, the people, and Critical Thinking and Sustainability makes the system innately representative, well informed, trained in Critical Thinking and Sustainability, and stable. Businesses will continue to sponsor individual Senators and Congressmen, however, all money contributed to ONE candidates shall go into a common fund to promote all potential ONE candidates equally within each State.
Because this large representative body of individuals will act as a covert, but highly trained publicly elected governing body, this will allow the NSA to continue data collection without warrant.
No longer will we need to have less Freedom to have more Security,
or vice versa.
These highly trained elected personnel provide for independent maximizing of Freedoms and maximizing of Security for all citizens !!! While the Congress and Senate provide oversight and continues to control the military as part of the checks and balances to make this political structure stable.
Presently, special interests make Security and Freedom mutually incompatible. Many countries have the same political structure as we do and yet live in a police state where the individual has no recognized rights; we must prevent a similar situation from happening here in the United States. The current actions of the President’s Office are a prelude of worse things to come.
To take into account all perspectives and actual events to maximize both Freedom and Security for our entire country requires much more raw information than 10,000 people can amass, and assessment that would take these people many lifetimes to be just. But events happen concurrently every day that threaten our Freedoms and Security.
NSA computers process diverse data at great speeds to provide minute by minute evaluation of threats to our national security, and currently as directed by special interests. To stop the lack of Critical Thinking and Sustainability of NSA resources, a large group of persons extensively trained in ethical reasoning needs to create the “computer-based automated keys” (Directives) for unlocking relationships related to promoting BOTH Freedoms and Security.
Directives are computer software analysis functions that sift through real world information. Something like Antivirus programs for protecting your computer. When key relationships are found, a task is generated to cleanup that corrupt system. Critical Thinking and Sustainability must be implemented to ensure good relationships are not disturbed, while corrupt activities are corrected. The concept being: “To do the least necessary to allow unhindered natural social development; while ensuring that repeated corrupt practices of the same types identified do not recur.
As Directives are developed that can be generalized for a particular class of social system, they can be shared amongst similarally structured nations. Thereby helping to reduce the development costs for all countries; and provide international peer review of all Directives developed. At no time will raw data be shared by various National Security Agencies of the different nations.
Computer systems have been used for similar purposes for many years with great success in economics to limit risks and promote investment diversity. By developing automated directives, this helps to provide integrity and consistent behavior of the NSA. The derived results can then be evaluated by this large team of elected Representatives using state of the art Critical Thinking and Sustainability evaluation tools; thus ensuring the information collected is used solely to independently promote the Freedoms and Security of ALL citizens.
Instate a comprehensive “Oversight of NSA Ethics committee” (ONE) to manage the National Security Agency (NSA) and its’ Sub-Directorates as outlined below, a system allowing the Government and the people to think as ONE.
The delegates shall formulate “Automated Directives” for automatically: flagging potentially destructive relationships, developing priorities, developing issued directives to field agents, monitor metrics to verify results, track long term effects and related relationships, provide for a continuously updated scores related to the qualities related to our freedoms and security at that moment in time, and provide simulations for anticipating the effects of issuing a proposed directive and how it would affect the freedoms and security scores, …
The requirements for election as a ONE delegate are:
shall be a certified doctor from a nationally accredited school
shall have authored and published a paper related to Critical Thinking and Sustainability in a nationally distributed professional journal
shall be a permanent resident of that State
shall pass uniformly assessed but uniquely characterized tests related to Critical Thinking and Sustainability, Critical Reasoning, probability, and statistics
shall be free of a felony record; except where unethically implicated
shall not be strongly biased regarding any special interests
shall forever be disallowed from ever discussing any information formulated or witnessed while in office (felony); and shall teach Critical Thinking and Sustainability evaluation for two years after their term in office
shall submit themselves for lie detection and questioning periodically to prevent outside influence by any special interest
Under this system, the NSA shall collect and assess all information as practically possible worldwide, without the need for warrant in the United States.
Instate a comprehensive “Oversight of NSA Ethics committee” (ONE) to govern NSA data collection systems as outlined above; a system allowing the Government and the people to think as one.
Link: Practical Method for Predicting the Future
and source of ethical prosperity
More Details for Fighting Illegal Allocation
Instate a comprehensive “Oversight of NSA Ethics committee” (ONE) to manage the National Security Agency (NSA) and its’ Sub-Directorates as outlined below, a system allowing the Government and the people to think as ONE.
o To maintain equitable representation of all peoples, each State shall publicly elect an Oversight of NSA Ethics (ONE) delegate paralleling each elected Congressman and Senator position; but having no affiliation.
o The Constitution for each State shall act as the basis for the Critical Thinking and Sustainability perspective of each delegate.
o The requirements for election as a ONE delegate are:
shall be a certified doctor from a nationally accredited school
shall have authored and published a paper related to Critical Thinking and Sustainability in a nationally distributed professional journal
shall be a permanent resident of that State
shall pass uniform but unique tests related to Critical Thinking and Sustainability, Critical Reasoning, probability, and statistics
shall be free of a felony record
shall not be strongly biased regarding any special interests
shall forever be disallowed from ever discussing any information formulated or witnessed while in office; and shall teach Critical Thinking and Sustainability evaluation for two years after their term in office
shall submit themselves for lie detection and questioning periodically to prevent outside influence by any special interest
o The delegates shall be relocated to the surroundings near the NSA and will be furnished Government owned housing while in office. Physical security for the delegates shall consist of NSA surveillance with an armed NSA controlled security force to control any attempt to access or disproportionately influence the delegate or their family.
o Each delegate shall have a two person staff at the NSA and a two person staff in their home State to monitor, collect, and research information.
o Each State shall have one highly trained field agent for each delegate for that State whom shall collectively implement directives from the NSA using legal resources.
o All work surrounding NSA data collection shall be done in a secure facility protected from military threat.
o Absolutely no raw data or interest specific data or interest specific directives shall ever leave the facility under penalty of treason related to all intentionally involved.
o No interest specific data or interest specific directive shall be propagated outside of the confines of the NSA by delegate staff or agents under penalty of racketeering.
o The ONE delegates shall poll their respective communities related to values and perspectives, but polls shall not contain any Special Interest specific information.
o The NSA shall devise and maintain a relational database to allow delegates to productively relate all measure and kind of Critical Thinking and Sustainability issue to the vast amounts of information collected by the NSA.
o The delegates shall formulate “Automated Directives” for automatically: flagging potentially destructive relationships, developing priorities, developing issued directives to field agents, monitor metrics to verify results, track long term effects and related relationships, provide for a continuously updated scores related to the qualities related to our freedoms and security at that moment in time, and provide simulations for anticipating the effects of issuing a proposed directive and how it would affect the freedoms and security scores, …
o The creation of directives shall solely be governed by the ONE Committee. The President, Congress, the House, the Military, nor any other special interest group shall ever have any influence over the creation of directives, other than approved ethical channels of communication. Any attempt to do so outside of approved channels shall be considered treason within the confines of the NSA, and racketeering otherwise, and all involved shall share the same fate, regardless of political standing or financial backing.
o Because the positions of the delegates are elected positions. Data would be provided by the NSA which tracks the number of hours each delegate actively performed research, the influence each delegate had on the overall freedom and security qualities, and the core generalized formulas for creating the Automated Directives would be publicly disclosed but would not relate delegate involvement nor the data or type of data that they relate. This is necessary to help ensure high-tech corporations do not fillfully subvert NSA monitored data. Each delegate would be allowed to create public announcements that do not violate that which is outlined above.
o The ONE delegates shall govern themselves regarding inappropriate actions generated by a delegate, with periodic oversight by the Senate and Congress. A delegate that fails to use Critical Thinking and Sustainability reasoning in promoting a Directive and which benefits a special interest may be penalized and a State elected alternate may take their place.
o The term of service for each Delegate shall be four years; followed by a two year mandatory position at an accredited University teaching related Critical Thinking and Sustainability topics involving analysis and software. The Delegate may then accept nomination for the following election cycle.
o Classes in Critical Thinking and Sustainability for learning to create automated Directives shall use independently developed computer models and simulation systems. At no time shall any Directive from the NSA be directly analyzed. The simulated environment would cause errors inconsistent with NSA real world processing. However, relationships discovered can be submitted to the NSA for review through approved ethical channels.
o Collectively, the ONE committee shall determine the information necessary to guide the President, Congress, Senate, and the Military. The President, Congress, Senate, and the Military will have continuous one-way input into the NSA as part of NSA data collection, without warrant, the feedback will be immediate, so there is no need for any political party or military component to have dialog with ONE delegates or the NSA data collection and assessment systems.
o The Congress and Senate shall provide a team trained in Critical Thinking and Sustainability evaluation to periodically monitor (not control) the NSA and report back to the Senate and Congress.
o The military remains under the control of the Senate and the Congress; and the NSA shall only be allowed restricted control over a military asset with minute by minute support of the majorities of both the Senate and Congress where time critical relationships exist.
o Every political representative in the United States will be able to send their viewpoints to the NSA by sending an email to a NSA server, with only an automated response. But their views will be collected and processed automatically by the data collection system. The same applies for all citizens. All citizens shall have representation and voice.
o The administrators necessary to manage the NSA regarding operations personnel, supplies, existing field agents, the budget, and all other aspects of the NSA shall answer to the ONE committee and shall provide a continuous and accurate assessment of resource managment to Congress.
o As technology provides greater capabilities in diverse areas such as spy technologies, computer modeling of world economics, …, the NSA shall continue to evolve systems to better represent and anticipate the needs and desires of all citizens.
Under this system, the NSA shall collect and assess all information as practically possible worldwide, without the need for warrant in the United States.
Instate a comprehensive “Oversight of NSA Ethics committee” (ONE) to govern NSA data collection systems as outlined above; a system allowing the Government and the people to think as one.
Taking action to eliminate corruption in your organization now
Building Anti-Corruption into corporation Articles of Incorporation
Using “Meeting Structure” to detect and eliminate Corruption in Corporations/Politics
Be an Activist and Copy this to Everyone – email, Facebook, groups …
Time is CRITICAL, action is IMPERATIVE !!!! We intend to Contact ALL our Representatives and their constituents to create a future without corruption. Stop corporations and undeclared coalitions from hiding illegal allocations; where they presently prevent equitable distributions of opportunities; harming broad economic developments. By ending corruption, together with an Interns In Industry program and Open Peer Review based Business Incubator, the systems of efforts create broad national economic developments..
The National Security Agency (NSA) has been cited as unconstitutionally violating personal freedoms and related privacy in support of increasing national security. Corruption has entrenched itself to support Treason by some of our Representatives. The NSA does not report or act upon political corruption related to the weakening of National Security (treason). This can change. Create a large system of doctors of science and philosophy to continuously develop monitoring technologies and act to ethically manage the use of collected data.
The NSA is presently in great internal turmoil as of May 2014 as a result of recent exposures and is in a premiere position for being ethically influenced, along with all our political Representatives.
Detecting and acting on crimes of every kind and allowing offenders to provide restitution; we all make mistakes. Concurrently maximizing Freedom AND Security, instead of losing one as a trade-off for the other.
The above proposal describes in structural detail a system of managing the NSA by elected “qualified” doctors of science and philosophy that support their State’s Constitution and Federal Constitution in the management of technology developments and its use by the NSA, and the sub-directorates they support (CIA, FBI, Homeland Security … ); to ensure actions related to data collected equally applies to everyone.
Business Collaborators are created through shared Respect. Respect is generated by conferring trust related to shared information systems.
With the current progress toward manipulating space/time relationships, tools feasibly will be available in the near future. Who will benefit from the use of these tools? Who will have Freedoms and Who will be Secured?
Search Space-Time Grants
DARPA Space-Time Defense Efforts
“Top/Down” method to eliminate all corruption and self-destructive tendencies before tools to manipulate space/time are produced:
Elected doctors of science and philosophy developing & managing equilateral ethical use of National Security Agency (NSA) collected data. Detecting and acting on crimes of every kind and allowing offenders to provide restitution to avoid incarceration; we all make mistakes. Concurrently maximizing Freedom AND Security, instead of losing one as a trade-off for the other.
“Bottom/Up” method to eliminate all corruption and self-destructive tendencies before tools to manipulate space/time are produced:
Teaching Professional Acumen
Professional Acumen = Self-Esteem (social group skills) + Logic + Predicting Consequences
Non-Profit dedicated to the broad Teaching of Professional Acumen. Generating people able to plan productive futures for themselves and to create systems of people with which to share Respect. National systems of economic development. Increased funding through taxes to further grow monitoring technologies and providing ethical continuous improvements.
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re-Post & re-Tweet:
Protect our Representatives from being coerced into Treason
or alternatively
Re-post & re-Tweet:
Part of Civil Rights is Representation FREE of Treason