“The Great Purpose of higher education is to
train the brain
to Efficiently teach oneself;
to become an Expert
at anything Passionately pursued.”
~James Dunn
If you only take one class a semester it will take you 20 years to get a bachelor’s degree. You will have missed many opportunities during that time. You will be working for minimum wages for 20 years.
However, by going to school full-time and studying 3 hours for every hour of class taken, you can start making double that of minimum wage within 2 years or less of starting to take classes. This depends upon the needs and opportunities (employment, self-employment, grants…) directly related to your chosen curriculum of study and the local area where you are taking classes. Exceptions are for those studying online business subjects, where those opportunities can be accessed globally through internet related businesses.
An everyday simple brain building lifestyle:
A fundamental skill for success, is a willingness to seek to learn new skills and information.
Learn to Live Priorities
A weak mind cannot assess it’s surroundings and determine a useful pathway into the future; that includes the people around them. This is especially critical for employers, administrators, and the entrepreneur. To practice making good decisions, a person needs to learn to prioritize their available time and resources.
Eat, Exercise, & Protect Your Brain for Success
The following is emphasized as being opinion, and not a substitute for professional advice, treatment, or other action optionally chosen by the reader.
Nutrition and moderate exercise are vital to building brain tissues while studying.
Lifestyle for keeping weight off
Studying requires long hours of concentration; a developed skill through sustained practice. This skill is a significant reason why employers require a college education. To be able to concentrate on what you are doing throughout the work day.
Eating in a healthy combination, and a minimum exercise habit builds a healthy body. This supports consistent brain functions required to avoid bad choices. Very often bad choices are disguised as fun opportunities, that you must live with for the rest of your life.
There are few overweight Italians and Turkish citizens. The food served as Italian in the United States hasn’t been eaten in Italy in more than 20 years. Italians cook and eat for flavor and nutrition; not the bulk of a piled plate.
Take a multivitamin supplement so your body doesn’t get cravings. To get all the recommended vitamins and minerals in a day from healthy foods, would require eating about 30,000 calories a day. That is 20 times more than the recommended 1,500 calories a day.
Eat a small cookie-sized portion every couple of hours to avoid becoming hungry.
Do not mix fats and carbs in any one day, not in any one meal, and especially not in any one recipe. Proteins and fats one day, then carbs and veggies the next day. Fats with Carbs store fat.
Avoid sleeping with a full stomach. Have a low-carb protein soup or broth on fat days, and bean stew or vegetable broth as the last meal, 2 or more hours before sleeping, Protein on fat days, Carbs on carb days.
The body immediately absorbs carbs and fats together as body fat. Proteins and fats one day. Carbs like fruit and rice with leafy vegetables the next day. Most beans and avocados ONLY used as seasonings, since they are both fat and carbs.
Avoid wheat in all of its forms. Wheat gluten tends to stress the nervous system.
Avoid saturated fats (typical cheeses) as the saturated fats build up in brain tissues and makes it difficult to remember details. Saturated fats are essentially poisons in the human body; they shorten life expectancy. In addition to making it more difficult to think and remember.
Mild Exercise
There are about 400 lymph glands in the body to filter metabolic poisons; the ONLY way these work is by muscle contractions. Most every muscle needs to contract daily. Mild range of motion stretches are needed every day to filter out destructive metabolic poisons. Poisons that over time can cause health issues and even cancer.
Tai Chi, Yoga, Swimming or any other low-impact combination of sports. Anerobic for strength, and Cardio for metabolism balance.
- Do not use steroids as it interferes with brain building hormones and will make it difficult to retain information; young people frequently die of steroid induced heart attacks.
Avoid Brain Altering Substances
- Eat in moderation; too much or too little of any food or supplement can be harmful to brain health (malnutrition)
- Eating saturated fats coats brain tissues and blocks oxygen and nutrient pathways
- Gluten has been shown to harm development of the nervous system
- Persons with impaired brains from occasional drug abuse, struggle much more to study for examinations. Attention to detail and Attention Span (Focus) suffers.
- “Respected” Professionals shun drug abusers, for valid reasons.
- Do not smoke nicotine products, this constricts blood vessels and restricts flow of blood to the brain
- Do not use Marijuana because THC attaches itself to synapse receptors and distorts brain tissue associations
- This is why Marijuana smokers are often referred to as stupid, dumb, no common sense… 54% of inmates in prison used Marijuana just before getting caught doing their crimes
- Marijuana doesn’t make a person criminal. More likely, they were criminals and marijuana made them foolish; so they were caught. Marijuana has become a social indicator of the mentally inferior.
- Actual case: a drug addict working for a paper company went to the union representative and asked how much a finger was worth; an extreme example of how drug abuse makes a person short sighted. The union representative had to report the incident to management to protect the other union members from losing their future negotiating position and losing related pay increases, due to fraud by one of its members.
- Actual case: a mechanic working 30 feet above a steel floor on a ladder, observed a drug addict distracting his safety-person at the bottom of the ladder. Repeated climbing down and warnings to stay clear of his safety area followed. The safety person refused to be more forceful in securing the safety area. While at the top of the ladder the mechanic intentionally dropped a wrench nearby on the steel floor to drive off the drug addict, get their safety person back on task, and to protect their own life. This may not have been the optimal solution; we cannot judge not knowing their entire considerations.
- Drug abuse causes affected rational people to take extreme measures to protect themselves.
- Marijuana may be legal in some states, but employers know that users of marijuana are prone to employment issues
- Engineering Internships often pay $20 to $40 per hour (in 2021), available in the junior year at college, and failing a drug test means loss of professional income, and limited future opportunities
- In professional fields, drug testing is required
- For Federal sectors, a person must be clean for 3 years before being considered for employment; so if using, stop now
- Engineering Internships often pay $20 to $40 per hour (in 2021), available in the junior year at college, and failing a drug test means loss of professional income, and limited future opportunities
- This is why Marijuana smokers are often referred to as stupid, dumb, no common sense… 54% of inmates in prison used Marijuana just before getting caught doing their crimes
Learn to Invest
Students need every dollar spent wisely. If it isn’t needed now, invest it. Have your money, make money. Every 7 years the US dollar has about 1/2 its original buying power. About 6% return annually on savings is needed to break even.
No suggestion for what to invest in is provided here, but a few of the ways it is done:
Do NOT invest what you can not afford to live without
- Stock dividends
- Crypto dividends
- Stock Day Trading ( good experience with TDAmeritrade)
- Crypto Day Trading
- PayPal used to pay 5% interest on savings accounts
Find stocks that are rising slowly, to flop your losing stocks into quickly, to stop losing trend. When you have time, find another fast growth stock to flop your slow growth stock into. Don’t take losses, get out and move into reliable slow growth stock during growth stock losses. Watch your transaction fees.
Choose a Career with Intent
If you want to work near your family, research the type of work and the number of available opportunities, in the area where your family lives. Alternately, seek out an education that allows for working through the internet. Software Engineers, Web Resource Developer, Online Business Owner, IT Specialist … Have realistic expectations, but be creative in your search for profitable local opportunities.
Evaluate profit versus sustained risks. Dealing drugs might be profitable, but it is not as profitable, or as respected, as becoming an engineer, physician, attorney, business owner…
Choose a University offering Internships in your Field of Study
A lower-cost method of getting your degree, is to take the basic first 2 years of transferable-credit course requirements at a local “Accredited” community college while you live at home with your parents. Basic course requirements like English, Math, Humanities, and basic Sciences can cost less. While living at home you can work and save for the more expensive University classes. Call the University to be assigned an Academic Adviser (free).
Make sure ALL the courses you take at a community college will transfer to the University degree BEFORE signing up to take any course. This will be emphasized again later, it’s that important.
See if you can get a full-time job at the University of your choice; fringe benefits are usually good. But first check to see if they give you time off to take classes. Frequently, universities waive costs for classes taken for their employees; but check first.
Online degrees are not recommended. You have no study partners to help mutually solve difficult problems, if your web service gets interrupted you can fail a course, most often these online courses are NOT accredited so the courses will not transfer to the University degree of your choice. Check with your University of choice before taking any online course.
Universities in-general WILL NOT transfer any course that they themselves do not teach !!!!
After you finish your first 2 years of classes, you become a Junior when you enroll at a University; i.e. 300 level classes. This means you often qualify for participation in Internships. Internships are jobs offered by local companies near the University, that provide working experience in your field of study. Work schedules are typically flexible to accommodate class schedules. Internships typically pay $12 to $25 per hour depending upon many factors; mostly due to the size of the company. There are NOT internships available in ALL fields of study at each university, so use your due diligence and check with different universities until you find one or more that offers internships in your field of study.
Internships are often associated with grants acquired by professors. These grants are often in support of Research & Development, which can mean very interesting experience to put in your resume.
Greater than 80% of all graduates who end up working in their field of study after graduation, are employed full time by a company where they did an internship. So if doing research for a professor, consider to instead do an internship with one or more companies before graduation. Companies like hiring candidates who are already trained in the areas they need, and who are known to be good at what they do.
Apply for Grants
You can apply for grants and scholarships (no need to pay back grants, they are NOT loans) to fund your living and while you are taking classes. Billions of dollars in grant funding are available, students have received up to $45,000 in just one season of grant applications.
If you are Native American you can GET PAID about $2,000 per semester, housing and tuition paid for, for the first 2 years of college; to save up to finish your college degree at a 4-year university.
Go to college at:
http://www.SIPI.edu (Get your CDIB, Register and go, it’s that simple.)
Optionally, Start your own Business
Many students have developed skills that are marketable. Working for yourself often provides schedule flexibility to take classes. Working for yourself usually means limited healthcare coverage, and no other fringe benefits.
A mechanic can work on cars, learn to repair commercial laundry equipment, clean the bottoms of boats, polish boats, detail cars, provide handyman services … People that can type quickly and accurately can provide transcription services for physicians, editing services for eBay ad posters ….
I know of a 15 year-old that makes about $400/month with his very part-time eBay business.
Consider alternate options.
Make sure the classes you take are needed for your degree
In almost every school, there are classes offered that will NOT transfer to other schools. Make sure the classes you intend to take, will be useful. Some students tend to get tired of taking classes, more than others. Taking a wasted class might hurt the motivation to complete a degree. About 10% of students fail to complete their degree, because they did not take the last 2 or 3 classes needed to graduate.
See your Academic Advisor (Free and available at any college whether or not you are a student)
Most students take some classes that end up not contributing to their graduation. Was it a waste of effort and money? Not if it was wisely considered as needed for other reasons.
Choose Your School Carefully
Some schools offer courses not accredited, and not transferable
If you can, attend a school that has abundant PAID internships locally in the field of study you seek a degree. Over 75% of graduating students are initially employed by a company where they did a PAID internship. Rarely do companies offering UNPAID internships, hire graduating students. Rarely do companies hire inexperienced graduating students, so applying to jobs nationally becomes a requirement otherwise.
The Federal Government, State Government, National Science Laboratories, Many Engineering and Business Firms …. all require accredited degrees to qualify for employment. Additionally, Research Grants often require accredited degrees to qualify in the application process. If you are seeking certain access to employment, make sure the school you attend has the credentials.
Just because a school has accredited coursework, does NOT mean that ALL of its courses are accredited; customer beware. For example, Adult Ed courses rarely are accredited in any school. Special Programs like Entrepreneurial courses may not be accredited; even though the school has an accredited degree program for Business Management.
Many traditional schools provide child day-care, and financial aid assistance that goes beyond PELL Grants; to include local employment and housing services. Study groups are easily formed; motivating support for long hours of efficient study. In a study group, quick sharing of weakly understood information builds confidence to move onto new materials; instead of stagnating on what-if scenarios. Tutoring and Instructor office hours are usually NOT provided for online classes.
For the new college student, Online Classes are much more difficult to complete than traditional coursework.
BEWARE: Online schools may require full payment of previously discounted tuition AND bar future attendance, by students that fail an online course. Even if the reason is the fault of an incompetent instructor, or bad internet connection.
Recommendation: Students should commit to attending traditional classes if at all practical.
Most small colleges do NOT have accreditation that is recognized by the employers you will be working for. For example, there are many nursing schools. Many of those schools are not accredited by Accreditation recognized by Veteran Affairs Medical Centers and therefore those graduates can NEVER apply successfully for employment with the VA.
DO NOT fall for the Distance Learning SCAMS where they obligate you to $15,000 to get a degree, but you must pass every course. If at any time your internet connection stops working, even if it is on their end that there is a problem, you fail the course and you are obligated to pay the $15,000.
Go to college the traditional way, any way you can:
- Live with your Mom and Dad or significant other
- if on your own, live with roomates
- don’t eat out, cook at home
- Rent someones shed if it has a toilet & shower for $100/month
- use a space heater, window air conditioner, hot plate, and small refrigerator
- you only eat and sleep in your hovel; you are studying and working otherwise
- Apply for scholarships
- Work part-time
- Study 3+ hours for every hour of class taken (this is standard !!!!)
- a 3.0 GPA means you missed 25% of what was taught
- high GPAs requires studying
- high GPAs are rewarded with better opportunities
- high GPAs get far more scholarships (free money)
- Sandia National Laboratories requires at least a 3.3 GPA
- Stay away from alcohol and drugs
- Internal distractions from addiction causes the mind to wander away from study
- Drug abuse is Unethical – Read why for yourself
- Choose a school where you can get paid internships in the field of study you are interested in pursuing
- internships tend to pay more and have flexible schedules
- every semester your class schedule changes, so you need the flexibility
- Work part-time if you want, but always take at least 12 credit hours every semester
- You need to graduate in a reasonable amount of time
- Don’t limit yourself to an Undergraduate Degree
- Internships pay twice as much as Master’s Students
- You can not teach unless you have a Master’s Degree
- there are many teaching opportunities
- you can apply for grants to fund your interesting research
- major schools value having active Master’s students on campus
- Go for your doctorate in whatever field you desire
- By the time you finish your Master’s in about 6 or 7 years it is an easy step to get your Doctorate
In-general, set your goals by Graduating Level Statistics
Getting paid more in areas where basic necessities cost more, usually means effectively getting paid less. However, in areas of high costs of living, there are usually more “opportunities” for business people to get paid more.
Most schools teach students how to be an employee. If you want to instead become an employer, do well in school but also get on the internet and learn what it takes to start your own business.
High School dropout
- homeless or can expect to make a maximum of $12,000 per year
- very few job opportunities are advertised, mostly word of mouth
- the environment is often filled with Drama (useless emotional interactions)
- likely surrounded with unethical people
- unethical people can only share high risk (no long term opportunities) with medium return, or medium risk and low return opportunities
- successful unethical people depend upon employing ethical people to sustain their businesses
High School graduate
- $20,000 per year can be expected
- general labor jobs, advertised, few jobs available because of competition
- low opportunity for advancement
- unless people educate them-selves diligently they usually are replaced by others more willing to help the company grow
Associates Degree
- $30,000 per year can be expected
- qualifies for many more advertised jobs; less competition
- the graduate usually has developed a means of thinking for themselves
- greater likelihood of participating in an ethical environment
- more opportunities to be entrusted based upon dependability
Bachelor’s Degree
- Many opportunities for getting advertised employment
- due to specialty there is usually a need to relocate
- Engineers: $60,000 to start
- can expect to make $60,000+ per year with experience
- Business: $40,000 to start
- can expect to make $70,000+ per year with experience
- Psychology: $25,000 to start
- usually works in professions unrelated to their field of study
- Music, Fashion Merchandising, Art School: $10,000 to start
- usually works in professions unrelated to their field of study; employed significant opportunities tend to be scarce
Masters Degree
- In general $80,000+
- Many unapplied for advertised opportunities
- more jobs than there are people to fill them
- generally, finds multiple revenue streams for income
- can work on most grants as a principal investigator
- studies areas they have a passion for
Doctorate Degree
- In general $80,000+ per year
- many more opportunities than there are people to take the positions
- generally, finds multiple revenue streams for income
- primary job, investments, business enterprise
- many have residual incomes of $200,000+
- More opportunities for grants than there are people to apply for them
- studies and develops areas they have a passion for
Definitions needed by students to be productive professionally
Dictionaries are only archives of commonly used interpretations of words and phrases by everyone, to include the uneducated. Very often definitions are vague and have inconsistent relationships with other words. A lexicon is a system of definitions that intentionally are mutually consistent to provide a useful means of interacting with a perspective.
The following is a lexicon for relating to Professional Acumen:
(in-general, to include weakening a mafia)
(specific to organization mission)
Treason can be with respect to localized organizations, or nationally. In a perfect ethical society, treason at any level indirectly is treason at the national level. However, because of the complexity of individual health, logical, emotional, and social systems throughout society, treason within an organization does not mean that treason at the national level is necessarily implicated.
MAFIA = A social group that imposes selective ethics for different classes of its members, and excludes intentional ethical treatment of non-members.
Mafia rarely, if ever, broadly develop new significant opportunities. Therefore, its members suffer stagnation, the motivated leave, and eventually the organization perishes.
To break up a mafia, monitor for corrupt practices and arrogance. Arrogance is the loathing of others, and is an indication of incompetence; problems with social, emotional, and/or logic skills.
- Eliminate those that abuse drugs and alcohol because they cannot consistently express common sense; impaired brain function.
- Then relocate related personnel into positions without influence in previous duties. Evaluate them on actual performance, and not loyalty.
- Provide every person with an accurate assessment of their innate value to the organization mission and vision.
Personnel Evaluation Mindset & Excel Worksheets
- Do NOT reward loyalty, and provide resources and opportunities to those who are competently productive, not the politically affluent; this builds passion throughout an organization. Passion is usually valued more than financial compensation, as a result the organization gets more done with less resources.
GOVERNMENT / ADMINISTRATION = A formalized structure not dependent upon whom occupies positions in office, whereby the structure largely determines the day to day operations, and interfacing social groups evolve local mechanisms of who benefits at whom’s expense, based on the ethical consistency imposed by the structure (Constitution, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Operations Manual, Process Forms and other structure based mechanisms)
One should determine if what they want to engage is a Government, or a Mafia. The method of successful participation strongly depends upon which structure is being used. In a mafia, loyalty and seniority are rewarded using organization resources, and competence is of little value (corruption rewarded). In government, competence and competent productivity are valued with priority over corruption.
TEAMING = Forming a group skilled in Professional Acumen to passionately research and develop new significant organization opportunities.
Incremental creative developments spawned from passion (a knowing of innate value in a group) creates new access to under-utilized resources, improves efficiency, and develops new significant opportunities made available to the organization. When an ethical organization prospers, so does its members.
EMPIRE BUILDING = is the unethical and/or illegal allocation resources and/or opportunities issued to the less productive and/or incompetent to reward loyalty (creating Yes-Men), to entrench corrupt leadership, and diminish productivity for, and diminish value of the organization.
Empire Building broadly kills passion within an organization; obstructing the useful formation of Teaming. Teaming creates teams of competent personnel and/or coalitions to grow a greater number of opportunities. Mafia creates teams of personnel and/or coalitions to squander and hord available opportunities. Empire Building creates an Administrative Mafia.
ANY “Empire Building” done within a government administration is an act of forming a Mafia, is Racketeering, and is Treason.
Part of Civil Rights is that Representation is Free of Treason.
Self-deception is the greatest destructive quality, because it tricks a person to take an easy path that prevents them from making logical decisions and following needed priorities.
Professional Acumen = Self-Esteem (the sharing of useful information and/or skills with peer groups) + logical thinking + predicting consequences with an emphasis on sustaining support of desired outcomes
Method to Teach Professional Acumen – Click Here
“Persistence” and “Attention to Detail” allow for productively expressing Professional Acumen with greater consistency. Those lacking these skills often are excluded from significant opportunities, unless they become “Yes-Men” within an Administrative Mafia.
Respect = the communication process of sharing useful information and/or skills with a peer group and the associated trust conveyed
Disdain = the communication process of sharing non-useful and/or destructive information and/or skills with a peer group and the associated distrust conveyed
Self-Respect (learning to convey useful relationships) = the accumulating collection of events involving Respect and Disdain a person generates, from a combination of all social groups engaged; and through empathy the individual detecting the trust conveyed to them by all of the groups.
Self-Respect is common to all groups, and the Respect/trust generated from the combined experiences in each group contributes in part to the total number of situations a person can usefully express Self-Respect. Self-Respect comes from learned experiences, and is used to generate body language and voice inflections to guide others.
A person that is Arrogant has difficulty in expressing Self-Respect, and instead tends to express loathing of others. Arrogant people are difficult to work with as they do not know how to generate mutual trust, so they tend to micro-manage efforts and exclude the useful advice of others. Arrogant people tend to rise into positions of corrupt leadership.
Self-Esteem (usefulness specific to each group) = is attributed by others of a group as the accumulating collection of useful outcomes relative to teaching one’s self useful information and skills; the trust one has in-general that they are useful in providing support for the needs of the group they selectively choose to engage.
Self-Confidence = is attributed to one’s self as the accumulating collection of useful outcomes relative to teaching one’s self useful information and skills; the trust one has in completing a related proposed task
Self-Confidence is largely related to previous practiced experience. While Arrogance is largely related to excluding competent influence in the control of an allocated resource and/or opportunity.
Self-Confidence and Arrogance have similar body language; but, Self-Confident people/coalitions consistently teach themselves new useful information/skills to share with their groups. While Arrogant people are subversive and manipulate rhetoric, they loath others and have no intention to share useful information.
Arrogant people spend more time thinking of ways not to lose their political position, than time spent on usefully serving the beneficial groups in which they are a part.
in serving each group.
Self-Respect guides how to attribute trust to others
to guide mutual participation in ALL groups.