Eat for Success, Eat to support Healthy Brain Building

Eat for Success, Eat to support Healthy Brain Building

Never eat out as a student; where practical.  Social functions are important, but participation should be prioritized.

Avoid cheese for more than seasoning.  Cheese is made by growing fungus in dairy products.  Almost all related fat is saturated.  Saturated fats build up in the brain and cause health problems.

Before making any changes to your diet or exercise, please consult with your doctors and nutritionist before implementing any of the following opinions.

Impact of Dietary Fats on Brain Functions

diets that are high in saturated fats negatively impact brain functions and increase the risk of cardiovascular and neurological diseases

Modern Mediterranean Custom for Dining

Forty years ago, almost everyone in Italy was obese; similar to here in the United States now.  But visit Italy, Spain, and Turkey today and you won’t find anyone overweight, except tourists.   What happened?

A social expectation for healthy meals became a national standard.  Not by law.  Family meals are expected to be tasty and healthy.   To serve known unhealthy food combinations is considered an insult.

Proteins and Fats are served in one meal.  Then hours later, Veggies and Carbs are served in a separate meal.  Veggies are generally low-calorie carbs.

Two different types of meals.  Separated by hours of digestion, so that fats and carbs are NOT digested at the same time.

This more easily is done by alternating a Carb/Veggie day with a  Fat/Protein day.

HIIT Fat   and   Cardio Carbs


Low-impact exercise using High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on “low-carb high-fat days“.  Low-impact cardio exercise on “high-carb low-fat days“.

At least 4 days of a low-carb diet is needed to lose weight, unless those carbs are burned with proportionate exercise, which also needs protein.

Sustained high carbs can lead to diabetes.

High potassium can lead to heart problems; we need to exercise and sweat.  The human body is developed to move and rebuild.

Eat a small amount every 2 hours while awake; level cupped palm of your hand.

Expect to lose 5 pounds the first week, and progressively more.

The kidney’s need carbs, so cycling carbs into your diet is important.  Not bingeing,

This is called Carb Cycling.  Fat burning needs higher metabolism and chemicals produced by the body from carb processing.  Then fat on high fat days carry nutrients and excretes most of the digested fats.

Why is this important?  …  Fats and Carbs digested together efficiently stores calories in the body as fat.  Digest fats separate from digesting carbs, and it is much more difficult for the body to store calories as fat.

A protein and fat meal ONLY uses “carbs and veggies” as seasonings for taste.  A gram or two.

Protein and Fat Recipe examples (very low carb)

A Veggie and Carb meal ONLY uses proteins and fats as seasonings for taste.

Carb and Veggie Recipe examples (very low fat)

Travel to Italy, Spain, or Turkey and likely you will lose about five pounds in one week.  Nationally, carbs and veggies are not eaten together with protein and fats.

Some people find it easier to prepare the next day’s food early.   Carbs and Veggies all day.  Alternating with Proteins and Fats the next day.  Higher carbs once a week.

Weight Loser Strategy

Taking a cold shower everyday, especially after workouts, can trigger your body into increasing your metabolism.

Cold Showers after Workout

With moderate exercise.

  • 10 to 50 carbs per day (lose weight)
  • 50 to 100 carbs per day (maintain weight)
  • 100+ carbs per day (gain weight)

Restaurant Food to corrupt mental Acuity

Restaurant food tends to disrupt nutritional brain building stability.  Excessive salt, fat, and carbs all intermingled together creates more fats floating in arteries and veins.  Less oxygen and less nutrients being carried to the brain.

Arteries are muscles.  Diet and exercise are exceptionally important to develop healthy arteries.

Eating out while going to school is a waste of money, where one meal can purchase a week’s groceries.  The bulk food section is an awesome service provided by grocery stores.  The food purchased has a long shelf-life, and is a nutritional staple to supplement more expensive fresh food items.

  • Eat to get a large variety of vitamins, minerals, and protein
  • Eat for taste and nutrition, not to maximize calorie content

traffic light labels

Common food sources high in saturated fats:

  • cheese
    • Lowest sat fat grams / ounce 
Cottage cheese, creamed 0.5
Cottage cheese, low-fat, 2% milkfat 0.4
Cottage cheese, low-fat, 1% milkfat 0.2
Cottage cheese, fat-free 0.0
American cheese, fat-free 0.0
    Avoid, or use for seasoning:
  • pork (pepperoni, bacon, ham, salami, sausage … )
  • lard and cream
  • butter
  • beef
  • lamb
  • poultry, especially with skin
  • beef fat (tallow)
  • ice cream
  • coconut
  • palm oil
  • palm kernel oil
  • some baked and fried foods

Basic nutritional requirements (see your physician and nutritionist for best advice)

Too much of anything is bad for you, to include vitamins and minerals; use nutritionist advised moderation.

Knowing what you are Eating

Nutritional Facts Datasheet ( gram of nutrient / 100 gram of food product)

2 Level Tablespoons = 1 ounce = 28 grams

5 level Tablespoons = level cupped hand = about 1/2 cup = 64 grams

  • 50 grams of protein daily, more than 30g per meal is a waste.
    • protein, B vitamins, daily recommended vitamins in-general, calcium, and trace minerals are vital to building brain tissues for memory and associations
  • Diversity of food choices is important to get broad nutritional exposure to trace elements
  • Vegetarians – take a protein supplement every day (about 30 grams of soy protein powder, TVP, … – other food sources will produce the other needed 20 grams needed daily, take 30 grams in additional snacks/meals if doing heavy exercise)
    • use low-impact exercise; avoid running and high impact exercise; the knee meniscus is easily damaged and there are many foot problems that can result
  • B-complex and calcium vital for vegetarians
    • Egg shells can be washed, the collagen skin removed, and ground up to use as a rich source of calcium (about 1 gram per day)
    • Dissolved egg shells in lemon juice is a good source of calcium; even chewing on pieces of egg shells in food; too much of anything can be unhealthy too
    • Dairy is high in both fat and carbs and should be avoided as a source of calcium
    • Peanut Butter has some protein, but is very high in fat and displaces oxygen transfer in the blood if too much is eaten for a sustained time
    • Green leafy vegetables and broccoli are good sources of calcium
  • Sip on clean water throughout the day
  • Take a broad vitamin & mineral supplement every other day
    • more is generally a waste of precious student money
  • Eat carbohydrates in different meals than fats when practical
    • Easily done with compartment food containers
    • In Italy, 30 years ago they were known to be obese and jolly; overweight.  Typical recipes were rich (both carbs and fats).
    • Today, it is hard to find any Italian who is overweight; nationally.  Italians eat proteins and fats in one meal, and carbs and veggies in other meals.  It just isn’t socially acceptable to mix carbs and fats in the same meal, or in the same recipe.  It’s an insult not to put the effort into making a healthy meal.
      • American Italian Restaurants have no recipes in common with modern Italian Cuisine
      • Many vegetables are high in carbs, and others high in fats.  The type of vegetable in a meal, depends on if the meal is based on fat or carb.
        • Fruits, Potatoes, Rice, Corn, Peas, typically are carbs
          • used in tiny amounts to season proteins and fats
        • Nuts, Olives, Flaxseed, seeds in-general are high in fats
          • used in tiny amounts to season Carbs and Veggies
            • veggies in-general are low-calorie carbs
      • Any food can be used as a seasoning in “tiny” amounts without contributing significantly to either fats or carbs
        • Avocado are 15% fat and 9% carbs; not used as a food, a seasoning
          • a small part of an Avacado, not the whole fruit, for seasoning
      • Wheat in-general should be avoided due to gluten, and its neurological disruptive nature (brain issues and nutritional uptake problems)
  • Eat proteins and grains in different meals than vitamins & minerals
    • phytic acid in grains tend to inhibit vitamin & mineral uptake
    • it takes time to absorb B-vitamins to process proteins
  • Avoid empty calories like softdrinks and chips
    • Chips are both high in carbs and high in fats
    • Candies in-general are high in carbs and high in fats
  • Avoid softdrinks with phosphoric acid (Coke, Mr. Pibb, Dr Pepper…)
    • phosphoric acid dissolves teeth
    • phosphoric acid depletes vitamin B-12 (used to build nervous system tissues)
      • your brain operates by building nervous system tissues
      • carbonation displaces oxygen in the blood
  • Count calories (becomes routine, from memory after a few weeks)
    • Control your weight, count can go up or down as desired
  • Eat a 1/2-cup container compartment of food every 2 hours
    • A 1/2-cup is about a level cupped hand
    • Carbs and Veggies one day, Proteins and Fats the next
    • This removes starvation bio-process distractions when studying
    • The body will not want to eat, but eat it anyway
    • Use cell phone or watch to trigger an alarm every 2 hours; in some phones this is 6 different alarms to avoid alarms at night
  • Most people don’t know they can care for their brain, and become the intelect they aspire to become.